NCERT Solutions for Class-10 Political Science Chapter-4: Political Parties

Political Parties – Class 10 NCERT Solution Political parties are an important part of any democracy. They play an essential role in the formation of public opinion, mobilization of voters, and contestation of elections. They also help in the formation of government and provide a platform for the articulation of different interests and viewpoints. We will also be looking at some of the challenges that political parties face today. Our Top Social Science Experts prepare these NCERT Solutions to take care of all Important Topics that might be asked in the upcoming examination 2024-2025. So, Students can refer to these solutions for their final Examination preparation.

These Class-10 Political Science Chapter – 4 Political Parties NCERT Solutions are carefully developed using easy-to-understand language while adhering to the guidelines for solving NCERT Solutions for Class 10. Working through these solutions can be highly beneficial for students in their board exams and preparing for future competitive Exams.

NCERT Solutions Class – 10 Political Science Chapter – 4: Political Parties

Exercises Pages No 61, 62

Q1. State the various functions political parties perform in a democracy.


Political parties perform several crucial functions in a democracy, including:

Representation: Political parties represent diverse interests and viewpoints within society, giving a voice to different groups and individuals.

Policy Formulation: They develop and promote specific policies and programs based on their ideological perspectives and the needs of their constituents.

Candidate Selection: Parties select and nominate candidates for elections, ensuring that voters have a choice among different representatives.

Government Formation: Winning parties or coalitions form the government, managing executive functions and implementing policies.

Opposition Role: Parties that do not win form the opposition, holding the government accountable and providing alternative policies and perspectives.

Q2. What are the various challenges faced by political parties?


Political parties face several challenges, including:

  • Lack of Internal Democracy: Many parties suffer from centralized decision-making, where power is concentrated in the hands of a few leaders, limiting transparency and inclusiveness in internal processes.
  • Dynastic Succession: Parties often favor leaders’ relatives or close associates for leadership positions, undermining meritocracy and promoting nepotism.
  • Money and Muscle Power: Elections involve significant expenditure, leading to reliance on wealthy donors and sometimes even criminal elements, which can influence party decisions and policies.
  • Ideological Shifts and Inconsistencies: Parties may shift their ideological positions or make inconsistent policy promises to gain votes, leading to a loss of credibility and trust among voters.
  • Lack of Representation: Many parties fail to adequately represent marginalized groups, such as women, minorities, and lower castes, resulting in unequal participation and representation.

Q3. Suggest some reforms to strengthen parties so that they perform their functions well?


Implement transparent procedures for internal elections to promote inclusiveness and ensure that leadership positions are filled based on merit and democratic principles.

Enforce stricter regulations on political funding to reduce the influence of money and muscle power. Require parties to disclose their funding sources and expenditures regularly.

Develop standardized and transparent criteria for candidate selection to avoid favoritism and promote the selection of competent and deserving candidates.

Encourage leadership development programs to identify and nurture new leaders from diverse backgrounds, reducing reliance on dynastic succession.

Implement quotas or reservation policies within party structures to ensure adequate representation of women, minorities, and marginalized groups.

Q4. What is a political party?


A political party is an organized group of people who share similar political ideologies, aims, and policies, and work together to contest elections and hold power in government. They seek to represent specific interests and viewpoints, formulate policies, and influence public decision-making through their elected representatives.

Q5. What are the characteristics of a political party?


The key characteristics of a political party are:

  • A political party is a structured group with a leadership hierarchy, membership rules, and established procedures.
  • Members of a party typically share a common ideology or set of beliefs about how society and government should function.
  • Parties formulate specific policies and programs they aim to implement if they gain power.
  • Parties actively contest elections to gain political power and influence governance.
  • They seek to represent the interests and views of their members and supporters in the political arena.

Q6. A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a _____________________.


A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called a political party.

Q7. Match List I (organisations and struggles) with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List I

List II


Congress Party

A. National Democratic Alliance


Bharatiya Janata Party

B. State party


Communist Party of India (Marxist)

C. United Progressive Alliance


Telugu Desam Party

D. Left Front
































Q8. Who among the following is the founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party?

A. Kanshi Ram

B. Sahu Maharaj

C. B.R. Ambedkar

D. Jotiba Phule


The founder of the Bahujan Samaj Party is:

A. Kanshi Ram

Q9. What is the guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party?

A. Bahujan Samaj

B. Revolutionary democracy

C. Integral humanism

D. Modernity


The guiding philosophy of the Bharatiya Janata Party is:

B. Integral humanism

Q10. Consider the following statements on parties.

A. Political parties do not enjoy much trust among the people.

B. Parties are often rocked by scandals involving top party leaders.

C. Parties are not necessary to run governments.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a)   A, B, and C (b) A and B (c) B and C (d) A and C


The correct statements given above are:

(b)  A and B

Q11. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Muhammad Yunus is a famous economist of Bangladesh. He received several international honours for his efforts to promote economic and social development for the benefit of the poor. He and the Grameen Bank that he started jointly, received the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2006. In February 2007, he decided to launch a political party and contest in the parliamentary elections. His objective was to foster proper leadership, good governance and build a new Bangladesh. He felt that only a political party different from the traditional ones would bring about new political culture. His party would be democratic from the grassroots level. The launching of the new party, called Nagarik Shakti (Citizens’ Power), has caused a stir among the Bangladeshis. While many welcomed his decision, some did not like it. “Now I think Bangladesh will have a chance to choose between good and bad and eventually have a good government,” said Shahedul Islam, a government official. “That government, we hope, would not only keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority.” But leaders of traditional political parties who dominated the country’s politics for decades were apprehensive. “There was no debate (over him) winning the Nobel, but politics is different – very challenging and often controversial,” said a senior leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Some others were highly critical. They asked why he was rushing into politics. “Is he being planted in politics by mentors from outside the country,” asked one political observer.

Do you think Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party? Do you agree with the statements and fears expressed by various people? How do you want this new party organised to make it different from other parties? If you were the one to begin this political party, how would you defend it?


Yes, Yunus made a right decision to float a new political party if his intention was to bring about better leadership, good governance, and a new political culture. Given his reputation and achievements, especially in promoting economic and social development for the poor, his entry into politics could potentially introduce fresh perspectives and approaches to governance in Bangladesh.

While the enthusiasm of supporters like Shahedul Islam is understandable, given Yunus’ track record, the skepticism from traditional party leaders and others also has merit. Politics is indeed a challenging field, often fraught with controversies. Concerns about external influence and Yunus’ transition from economics to politics are valid, as the political landscape requires a different set of skills and strategies.

To differentiate this new party from others, it should emphasize:

  • Ensure transparent and inclusive decision-making processes at all levels.
  • Implement strict policies to combat corruption and promote integrity within the party.
  • Promote strong connections with local communities and prioritize their needs and feedback in policy-making.
  • Promote the representation of marginalized groups, including women, minorities, and economically disadvantaged individuals.
  • Develop evidence-based policies addressing key issues such as poverty, education, healthcare, and economic development.

If I were to begin this political party, I would defend it by highlighting the following points:

  • Emphasize my successful efforts in economic and social development through the Grameen Bank, showcasing my commitment to positive change.
  • Argue that traditional parties have not sufficiently addressed key issues, and new leadership is necessary to bring innovative solutions and restore public trust in governance.
  • Stress the importance of building a party that values democracy, transparency, and inclusivity, setting a new standard in political culture.
  • Point out the party’s commitment to addressing the pressing issues of corruption, black money, and equitable development, making it distinct from the traditional parties.
  • Present a clear and compelling vision for a better Bangladesh, where good governance and public welfare are the top priorities.

Summary – NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 4: Political Parties

In this chapter, we have discussed the concept of political parties, their functions, and their role in a democracy. We will also be looking at some of the challenges that political parties face today. A political party is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and programs for society, with a view to promoting the collective good. Political parties are an important part of modern democracies. They coordinate politicians, mobilize voters, shape identities, and collaborate across borders.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 4: Political Parties

What are NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Political Science Chapter 4?

NCERT Solutions offer detailed explanations and answers to questions from the textbook, aiding students in understanding the concepts of political parties in India.

How can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 benefit students?

These solutions provide information about the role, functions, and challenges of political parties in India, helping students grasp the dynamics of the political system.

Are NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 easily accessible?

Yes, they are available at the top of the article. Also, they are widely available online and in bookstores, ensuring students have convenient access to study materials for exam preparation.

Do NCERT Solutions cover all the topics comprehensively in Chapter 4?

Yes, they cover all key concepts discussed in the chapter, offering thorough explanations and solutions to questions to aid in better understanding.

Can NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 assist in critical analysis of political party dynamics?

Absolutely, they encourage critical thinking and reflection on the functions, challenges, and significance of political parties in Indian democracy, providing a platform for deeper analysis and understanding.