Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution

Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution brought progress in the production process but also had a negative effect which affected the whole world. From beginning in Britain in the second half of the 18th century it spread throughout the whole world. It played a critical role in creating human history. This revolution turned the agrarian society into an Industrialized one. In this article, we will explore the Industrial Revolution, its impacts, and what are the Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution.

Table of Content

  • Industrial Revolution
  • Impact of the Industrial Revolution
  • What are the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?
  • Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution is one of the most important events of the world history. The industrial revolution is the modification of production and manufacturing. The use of machines quite increased in this era and many inventions happened. It was started in Britain in the second half of the 18th century. After this, it spread to the whole of Europe and the US.

The factory system was established in this era and many new machines were invented to make the products cheap to buy and cheap to manufacture. This revolution was begun with modifications in the textile industry. Though it fastened production still there are many negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution.

Impact of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought a huge impact on society and the economy starting from Britain to the whole world. The following are the impacts of the Industrial Revolution

  • The use of machines increased in the production. Many new inventions happened in this period.
  • A factory system was established by it.
  • A large amount of the rural population shifted to cities to find employment. Village began to decrease, and a rapid growth of urbanization began.
  • High amounts of waste and pollution have some serious impact on the Environment.
  • Expansion of colonialism as industrialized nations sought raw materials and new markets.
  • Production fastened and Production costs also decreased.

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What are the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution had many negative effects on the global economy and environment, and also many social effects. Those who were craftsmen lost their living and those who were laborers faced poor working conditions. There were laborers including women and children who had to work 14-16 hours a day.

This revolution brought the concentration of money into the hands of industry owners. This resulted in social class disparities. A great shift made cities crowded and dirty. The life status of labor was poor, and they faced poor health issues.

‘Climate change’ is a buzzing issue significantly accelerated by this revolution. Environment pollution increased in many types such as air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. To get raw materials industrialized countries in the name of trade exploited their colonial countries.

Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution

Here are given the negative effects of Industrial Revolution and the impacts of it on various communities, colonies, and environment:

1. Cities become crowded and dirty

After establishment of factory system, a large amount of population shifted to cities from rural areas. This made city crowded. High amount of production created high amount of factory waste. Thus, the condition of cities became extremely dirty, and lifestyle of labors came in a lower status.

2. Impact on colonial country

Industrial revolution highly and negatively affected the life of people from colonial countries. A lot of exploitation occurred to the colonial countries. To get extra raw material they forced labors and farmers of their colonial countries. Farmer from countries like India and China faced many atrocities and challenges from Imperial government.

3. Low status of life of labors

Use of Machines hugely increased in the era of industrial revolution. This made the production cheap to manufacture and cheap to buyer. So, the wages of labor were quite lower. It affected of their health and status. Ther labors were men, women, and even small children worked in factories. They had to work 14 to 16 hours. Even though machines made some tasks easier, working in factories caused a lot of issues for the workers. They didn’t get paid well, and the work was often unsafe.

4. Pollution and climate

With the continues production a great amount of pollution occurred. Today’s ‘climate change’ concern is also an effect of this industrial revolution. Smoke from furnaces created negative impact on air. Other wastes from factory created water pollution and also soil pollution. Moreover, deforestation occurred in a large amount. Air, Soil, water was polluted a lot.

5. End of craftmanship

Use of machines increased a lot in the era of industrial revolution. Machines were able to do task of many workers. This created the end of craftmanship. Not only in Europe for trading, in colonial countries, craftsmanship was widely exploited. Textile industries of India highly exploited by officers of British east India company. The traditional system was highly exploited by this.

6. Child Labour

Children were also worked as a labor in the era of industrial revolution. It impacted their lifestyle. They faced exploitation. Even children of age six or seven indulged in coal mines, textile factories, street trading and agriculture. This hazardous work caused many health issues and problems.

7. Social Conflicts

The conditions of labors and their situation fueled social concern to the society of labors. Worker did strikes and movements for their right. These all-thing created an environment of social tension and concerns. Economical gap was also a cause which created this social concerns.

8. End of craftmanship

Use of machines increased a lot in the era of industrial revolution. Machines were able to do task of many workers. This created the end of craftmanship. Not only in Europe for trading, in colonial countries, craftsmanship was widely exploited. Textile industries of India highly exploited by officers of British east India company.

Conclusion – Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution

Though industrial revolution enhanced the speed of production and decreased the production cost but also had its negative effect. It enhanced the growth and fastened the production. It turned the agrarian society to industrialized. Era of industrialization witnessed with many negative effects such as increase migration, poor health condition and many other economic and social problem. So overall Industrial revolution brought the growth, but human society paid its cost too.

FAQs on Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution

1. Where the Industrial revolution began?

The Industrial revolution began in Britain.

2. When Industrial revolution Began?

Industrial revolution Began in the 18th century.

3. Give names of some machines invented in the era of Industrial revolution?

Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, Steam Engine, Power Loom, Cotton Gin, Steamboat, Railway Locomotive, Telegraph are some machines invented in the era of Industrial revolution.

4. Why the wages of workers were low in Industrial revolution?

Use of Machines hugely increased in the era of industrial revolution. This made the production cheap to manufacture and cheap to buyer. This made the wages of workers very low in the Industrial revolution

5. What happened to the craftsmanship in industrial revolution?

Use of machines ended up craftsmanship. Machines were able to do task of many workers. This created the end of craftmanship.

6. What are the negative effects of Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution led to environmental degradation, with increased pollution and deforestation. It also exacerbated social inequality as workers faced harsh working conditions and exploitation. Additionally, the shift to industrial economies disrupted traditional ways of life for many communities.