Nested Classes in C++

A nested class is a class which is declared in another enclosing class. A nested class is a member and as such has the same access rights as any other member. The members of an enclosing class have no special access to members of a nested class; the usual access rules shall be obeyed.

For example, program 1 compiles without any error and program 2 fails in compilation.

Program 1

using namespace std;
 /* start of Enclosing class declaration */  
class Enclosing {      
       int x;
   /* start of Nested class declaration */  
   class Nested {
      int y;   
      void NestedFun(Enclosing *e) {
        cout<<e->x;  // works fine: nested class can access 
                     // private members of Enclosing class
   }; // declaration Nested class ends here
}; // declaration Enclosing class ends here
int main()

Program 2

using namespace std;
 /* start of Enclosing class declaration */  
class Enclosing {      
   int x;
   /* start of Nested class declaration */  
   class Nested {
      int y;   
   }; // declaration Nested class ends here
   void EnclosingFun(Nested *n) {
        cout<<n->y;  // Compiler Error: y is private in Nested
}; // declaration Enclosing class ends here
int main()
