Nestle India Internship Interview Experience

I had applied for Nesternship India in April 2021 and I got a mail on April 29 that there will be an Online challenge assessment between 29 April to 1 May. 

  • It was a game-based challenge to be complete within 30 minutes and this game can be played on both mobile and desktop. For the best gameplay experience, I would recommend playing on a Desktop. It is highly recommended to read the instructions carefully before starting the assessment. Also do keep your resume in pdf/doc format ready as it was asked to upload the resume during the assessment.
  • In the Challenge, there were 4 levels to complete. And on each level, we were assigned to complete the challenge consecutively. Each Level was based on a situation and you have to mark the option based on the question asked, there was no option to attend it later as each question was a time-limited frame.

After completing all the levels you will be redirected to take an online aptitude assessment. In the assessment, there were questions of Logical Sequence of Statements from the topic Reasoning Ability.

These are the sample questions that came in Logical sequence of statements.

    Find out the proper order of the sentences.

  1. You can discover the
    P: miracle-working power of your subconscious
    Q: that you wish a certain specific thing accomplished
    R: by plainly stating to your 

    S: subconscious prior to sleep
    A) PQRS
    B) QRPS
    C) PRSQ
    D) PQRS
    Ans: C)

  2. The miraculous healing you hear

    P: are due to imagination and

    Q: releasing the healing power

    R: about at various shrines

    S: blind faith which act on the subconscious mind

    A) PSRQ

    B) SPQR

    C) RPSQ

    D) PQRS

    Ans: C)