NetApp Interview Experience For MTS Internship (On-Campus) 2024


  • Round 1: Coding + Programming Language Proficiency + Aptitude Test
  • Round 2: Technical
  • Round 3: HR
  • Round 4: Managerial

Round 1

Coding, Programming Language Proficiency, Aptitude Test
[74 individuals were shortlisted from this round]


  • No. of Questions: 3
  • Topics Covered: Graphs, Arrays
  • Questions were framed similarly to the Competitive Programming Contest’s
  • Difficulty: medium-level
  • Languages Allowed: All (I Used Python)
  • I solved:

1. Question 2 (Was Based on array)
2. Passed Single test case for Question 1 (was Based on Graph) and 3

  • (Everyone got the same set of questions)

Programming Language Proficiency

  • 8 questions each from Javascript, C++, and Python.
  • Questions revolved around finding the output of a given code in the respective language, some questions were based on respective Programming Language concepts, and almost all of them were doable.


  • 8 questions from Aptitude

Round 2

Technical Round

  • Focused on depth of knowledge on technologies I have worked with, mentioned in my resume, no questions from CS core subjects (OS, DBMS, CN)
  • Discussed internship experience, FE & BE Python and JavaScript Frameworks I am familiar with, API testing with Postman, and use of TypeScript in frontend and backend.
  • Design a backend API using any Tech Stack, emphasising handling a substantial volume of data retrieved from a SQL Server, and adherence to HTTP standards in processing requests and generating responses. Evaluated ability to architect efficient solutions while maintaining compliance with industry protocols (I used Node.js and Express.js)
  • Asked to explain the project which was based on an e-commerce platform. Role of FE, BE and DevOps principles in it.
  • DevOps and System Design related questions for Scaling, Debugging, Managing Pods, and Network Mapping for Microservice Architecture.
  • Asked How much time it took to complete each project and what were significant hurdles.
  • What do you know about NetApp?
  • Conversation around why I want to join NetApp

Round 3

HR Round

  • Tasks: Binary Search implementation and dry run on paper, software testing approach
  • Ma’am asked which Profile I want to go ahead with FE, BE, Full-Stack, DevOps. I chose to go with Full-Stack or DevOps
  • Classic HR questions assess personality, strengths and weaknesses, future aspirations, and ability to manage personal goals with company responsibilities.

Round 4

Managerial Round

  • Conversation around my past work experience and why I want to join NetApp.
  • Explored personal background, how I feel about Bangalore Location, a project explanation, and stress management strategies.


– All rounds concluded with an opportunity for candidates to ask questions to the interviewers

– Experience may vary; most of my friends encountered questions from CS core subjects (OS, DBMS, CN) because of my profile