Netomi Interview Experience for SDE 1 (1 Year Experienced) 2021

Round 1 (1 hr): 

1. Project in college

  • Explain project
  • Do you use the JDBC tool to connect or the JDBC connector?
  • Why spring boot?
  • Difference between Apache Tomcat and Dispatcher Servlet.

2. PROJECT in the present organization

  • Explain project
  • What are the error codes that you have returned in the code?
  • Difference between Git and Gitlab Github.
  • Write down all the annotations used.
  • Difference between putMapping and postMapping.
  • Where is the code deployed?
  • Write all the git commands used.
  • What is two-way binding?


  • Difference between Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI).
  • Difference between RDBMSand NoSQL


  • Write down all the access modifiers in ascending order of their privacy.
  • What does a protected do?
  • Difference between Overloading and Overriding
  • Collections in java used maps.
  • What is garbage collection?
  • How will java know when the scope of an object ends?
  • How will You know that function execution finishes?
  • Java exception handling -> checked unchecked exception

5. DSA

  • Graph, How we display them
  • Explain ACID properties.
  • Dijkstra, when negative how

Verdict: Rejected