Network Marketing: Meaning, Working and Types

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing, also known as Multi-level Marketing (MLM), is a way of doing business where building a network of distributors becomes the key component. In this model, salespeople not only sell products directly to consumers but also recruit others to join the network. They earn money not just from what they sell themselves but also from what their recruits sell, creating a downline. While it usually demands a small upfront payment for a product kit, the focus is on selling it to friends and family. However, problems can arise if the system rewards recruiting more than selling, which could raise concerns about pyramid schemes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Network Marketing, also known as Multi-level Marketing (MLM), involves making a network of distributors who sell products directly to customers and recruit others to join the network.
  • Some firms use a multilevel marketing model where salespeople recruit others, earning commissions from their recruits’ sales.
  • Sales professionals purchase products from a firm and sell them to customers, often setting their schedules and hours.
  • Different types of network marketing include Single-tier Network Marketing (direct sales), Two-tier Network Marketing, and Multi-level Marketing (MLM).
  • MLM features multiple tiers of distributors earning commissions from sales made by downstream recruits, focusing on recruitment to build a broad network.
  • MLM has faced legal scrutiny due to its resemblance to pyramid schemes, while network marketing is a broader term that includes distinct direct selling models.

Table of Content

  • How does Network Marketing work?
  • Types of Network Marketing
    • 1. Single-Tier Network Marketing (Direct Sales)
    • 2. Two-Tier Network Marketing
    • 3. Multi-Level Network Marketing (MLM)
  • Advantages of Network Marketing
  • Disadvantages of Network Marketing
  • Difference between Multi-Level Marketing and Network Marketing
  • Tips for Network Marketing
  • Network Marketing – FAQs

How does Network Marketing work?

In network marketing, sales professionals purchase products from a firm and sell them to customers for a profit. The success of such firms relies on offering high-quality products that meet market needs. Salespeople have the flexibility to set their hours and schedules, limiting marketing costs for the company. Some firms employ a multilevel marketing model where salespeople recruit others to join the sales team. When recruits make sales, a portion of their profit goes to the recruiter, incentivizing further recruitment. This structure creates a network of salespeople who earn commissions from their sales and those of their recruits.

Types of Network Marketing

1. Single-Tier Network Marketing (Direct Sales)

Single-tier Network Marketing, also known as Direct Selling, is the simplest form where individuals sell products directly to consumers without recruiting additional distributors. In this type of network marketing, participants earn commissions based solely on their sales.

A notable example of a firm utilizing single-tier network marketing is Avon. This company operates in the beauty and personal care industry.

2. Two-Tier Network Marketing

Two-tier Network Marketing involves recruiting others to sell products on your behalf in addition to direct sales. In this type of networking, participants earn commissions from both their sales and the sales of their recruited distributors.

Site Sell by Ken Envoy is an example of a firm utilizing two-tier network marketing, offering website building and hosting services.

3. Multi-Level Network Marketing (MLM)

Multi-level Marketing is the most complex form, involving multiple tiers of distributors and a focus on recruitment in addition to product sales. Participants earn commissions from their sales, the sales of their recruited distributors, and the sales of their recruits’ downlines.

Amway, founded in 1972, is one of the prominent examples of a firm utilizing multi-level network marketing, offering a wide range of products in various industries.

Advantages of Network Marketing

1. Low Financial Barrier to Entry: Network Marketing stands out for its low-cost entry compared to traditional business models. It permits individuals to embark on entrepreneurial journeys with minimal investment, reducing the financial risks associated with starting a business.

2. Flexibility and Autonomy: One of the important perks of network marketing is the freedom it gives. Entrepreneurs can work from any location and set their schedules, aligning their business activities with their lifestyle preferences. This flexibility enables individuals to operate their businesses remotely, leveraging the power of the internet.

3. Personal Growth and Skill Development: Engaging in network marketing promotes personal development by nurturing a diverse set of skills. Unlike traditional jobs, network marketers focus on areas such as public speaking, coaching, mentoring, and relationship-building, boosting holistic growth. Moreover, individuals often experience spiritual growth and develop belief systems that contribute to their success.

4. Residual Income Opportunities: Network Marketing presents the possibility of residual income, where individuals build businesses that continue to generate revenue over time. After the initial effort to establish the business, entrepreneurs can enjoy ongoing rewards and passive income streams, providing financial stability and freedom.

5. Unlimited Income Potential: The income potential in network marketing is vast and directly proportional to individuals’ dedication and effort. Entrepreneurs can earn based on their commitment to growing their businesses, unlocking opportunities for significant financial rewards and personal fulfillment.

6. Supportive Community Environment: Joining a network marketing firm offers the opportunity to be part of a supportive and motivated community. Entrepreneurs benefit from networking opportunities, training sessions, events, and relationships that foster personal and professional growth. This collaborative environment encourages individuals to thrive and succeed together.

7. Making a Positive Social Impact: Network Marketing enables individuals to make a positive impact on others’ lives by offering products or services that enhance well-being and address consumer needs. By helping others achieve their goals and solve problems, network marketers contribute to a larger social impact, creating a ripple effect of positive change in communities.

Disadvantages of Network Marketing

1. Perceptions and Public Image: Network Marketing often faces skepticism and negative perceptions from the public due to associations with pyramid schemes and misconceptions. Overcoming this stigma is a challenge for companies in this industry, impacting their ability to establish trust and drive successful sales.

2. Initial Investment Requirements: Launching a prosperous network marketing venture demands significant upfront investment in various areas such as product inventory, recruitment, training, compensation plans, technology, and ongoing education. These substantial initial expenses can deter aspiring entrepreneurs from entering the market.

3. Regulatory Hurdles: Network Marketing companies must navigate intricate legal and regulatory landscapes that vary across different regions. Compliance with these rules demands time, resources, and expertise, with non-compliance potentially leading to legal issues and penalties.

4. Market Saturation Concerns: As network marketing grows in popularity, the market may become saturated with similar products and services. This saturation makes it increasingly challenging for individual distributors to differentiate themselves and succeed amidst fierce competition.

5. Recruitment Focus over Product Sales: Some network marketing companies prioritize recruiting new distributors over promoting product sales. This focus on recruitment can promote a pyramid-like structure within the organization and diminish genuine demand for the products or services offered.

6. Uncertain Income Potential: While network marketing offers the promise of lucrative earnings, success is not guaranteed. Distributors must invest significant time and effort into building their businesses, and even then, achieving desired income levels may prove elusive for many.

7. Risk of Exploitation: In certain instances, network marketing companies may exploit distributors by making exaggerated income claims or pressuring them to make purchases. This exploitation can result in financial losses for distributors and strain their relationships with the company.

Difference between Multi-Level Marketing and Network Marketing


Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

Network Marketing


MLM is an uncertain marketing approach where earnings come from a non-salaried workforce selling products or services.

Network Marketing is a form of direct sales that involves selling products directly to consumers through independent sales representatives.


It typically involves multiple levels of distributors/recruiters who earn commissions from sales of products and recruiting new members.

It generally involves building a network of distributors who sell products directly to consumers and recruit others to do the same.


MLM emphasizes both product sales and recruitment of new distributors, often with a heavy emphasis on recruitment.

Network Marketing focuses on product sales first, with recruitment being secondary.


Participants earn commissions from direct sales and wholesale purchases made by their recruited distributors (downline).

Distributors earn money from selling products, commissions from recruiting others, and commissions from sales and recruits generated by their downline.


MLM is often associated with pyramid schemes due to a focus on recruitment and the potential for exploitation.

It is sometimes considered a more legitimate form of direct selling, emphasizing genuine product value and customer relationships.

Legal Status

MLM companies have faced legal scrutiny and have been banned or strictly regulated in some jurisdictions due to their resemblance to pyramid schemes.

Network Marketing, although regulated, has been a legitimate business model for over 50 years, with companies like Nutrilite and Avon employing this approach.

Public Perception

MLM is often viewed skeptically due to high failure rates and the potential for exploitation of participants.

Network Marketing tends to have a more positive perception as a legitimate business model focused on selling quality products through personal relationships.

Key Differences

MLM focuses heavily on recruiting a downline to earn commissions, whereas network marketing emphasizes direct selling.

MLM has faced more legal scrutiny and has been banned in some regions due to its resemblance to pyramid schemes, while network marketing is a broader term encompassing various direct selling models.

Tips for Network Marketing

  • Take Selling Seriously: When starting network marketing, approach it seriously by investing time, effort, and care into your marketing endeavors. This dedication enhances your ability to sell products effectively and maintains your motivation to connect with potential clients.
  • Treat your Connections with Respect: Respect every connection, whether they are family, friends, or acquaintances. Before discussing products, explain your new business venture to them to maintain positive relationships and trust.
  • Find a Mentor: Consider seeking guidance from experienced network marketing professionals who can offer valuable insights into effective strategies, product pitching, and understanding company operations.
  • Utilize Social Media: Leverage the power of social media platforms to expand your audience, engage with consumers, and boost sales opportunities by regularly posting videos and engaging with potential clients.
  • Change your Mindset: Adopt a growth mindset that focuses on continuous enhancement and resilience. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth to stay motivated and committed to your professional development.
  • Be Consistent: Consistency is pivotal in network marketing. Regularly reach out to potential clients, follow up on inquiries, and post content on social media to maintain visibility and engagement.
  • Use Digital Marketing Strategies: Embrace digital marketing tactics such as sponsored content and email marketing to reach a broader audience and drive sales.
  • Conduct Extensive Research: Before selling products, conduct thorough research to understand product features and benefits, enabling you to address client inquiries confidently and effectively.
  • Be Authentic: Remain true to yourself and your values when engaging with clients. Authenticity builds trust, supports genuine connections, and distinguishes your business from competitors.
  • Prepare to Sponsor Others: Be prepared to guide incoming representatives by sharing marketing strategies, product knowledge, and business insights to cultivate leadership skills and promote collaboration within the network.

Network Marketing – FAQs

What is the biggest MLM firm in the US?

Amway is the top network marketing firm in the USA, offering many different products and operating in over 100 countries worldwide.

Who are the richest network marketers?

Juan Fernando Franco and Ivan Martinez from Colombia are the highest-earning network marketers globally, making around $13,200,000 per year.

Yes, Multi-level Marketing (MLM) is a legal business method in the United States. It involves independent representatives selling products, with their income primarily coming from product sales.

Do people in network marketing make money?

Yes, on average, a network marketer in your area earns about $101,771 per year, which is slightly less than the national average salary. In Texas, network marketing salaries rank 44th among all states.

How many Americans participate in network marketing?

Around 15.6% of all adults in the US have tried a network marketing opportunity at some point in their lives. This shows that many individuals in the United States have been involved in network marketing at some stage.