NeuralCam vs. Night Sight: Which AI Photo Tool Takes Better Low-Light Photos?

With the development of smartphone photography, NeuralCam and Night Sight are the two most popular two apps for night and low-light photography. While discussing this photography, the apps must be able to click on photos with clarity and detail in low light conditions. The two apps mentioned are the most popular in this sector because of the AI-driven innovations.

Both apps are software-based and are built for smartphone cameras. The apps are for improving the image quality of photographs using the latest AI algorithms and technology. The app supports devices running on iOS and Android operating systems. The apps compensate for the drawbacks of small camera sensors and less-than-ideal lighting conditions.

Table of Content

  • What is NeuralCam?
  • Features of NeuralCam
  • What is Night Sight?
  • Features of Night Sights
  • Comparison between NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight

What is NeuralCam?

Neural Cam – AI Photo Tool

This app was developed by NeuralCam SRL, and NeuralCam, and became famous as a night mode camera app for iPhones. It uses computational photography techniques, including noise reduction, multi-frame image processing, and more. These qualities help them capture the low-light photos brightly and clearly without additional hardware.

The following are the benefits of NeuralCam:

  • Manual controls give flexibility and creative power to use options like white balance, exposure, and focus in low-light photography.
  • Macro and tripod modes will let users easily take close-up shots and long-distance photos.
  • It has multiple capturing modes, such as low noise and unprocessed.
  • Multiple AI brightening modes will help you with daytime photos.

This popular camera app for low-light photography is driven by AI technology.

Features of NeuralCam

The following are the features available in Neural Cam:

Advanced algorithms

The NeuralCam algorithm combines noise reduction and exposure tracking for capturing noise-free images in low lights. This camera takes a series of long and short exposures, all aligned accurately. This camera app maximizes the amount of light captured and reduces the motion blur.

The AI-powered noise reduction algorithm reduces the image noise without affecting the details.

Generate well-exposed images in low-lighting conditions

NeuralCam has more impressive features and unique capabilities to capture well-exposed images in low and moderately low light areas. It could be indoor environments or twilight scenes. The noise reduction algorithm minimizes graininess and produces natural and clean-looking photos.

However, in extremely dark conditions, this camera app AI may struggle to maintain sharp detailing, particularly in shadow areas with more prominent noise.

Intuitive and rich Interface

NeuralCam has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for newbies to capture impressive photos. It requires minimal effort to capture such images. It has a simple layout, and the intuitive control assures a smooth shooting experience. It lets the users concentrate on creativity and composition rather than the technical settings.


  • The advanced AI algorithm captures and processes images in dark conditions and generates results better than native camera apps.
  • This app has an intuitive interface for the users to capture and improve their photos without extensive knowledge.


  • It has limited features for low-light photography compared to other camera apps.
  • AI-powered image processing tools might take longer than traditional apps.

Pricing: $4.99/month.


What is Night Sight?

This is a Google-developed app in the Pixel lineup. This app’s AI-powered features generated detailed and vibrant images in extraordinarily dark or low-light conditions. It captures and combines several exposures, improves clarity and brightness, and reduces noise.

The following benefits are offered by Night Sight:

  • Capture true-to-life photos using different lighting conditions.
  • Machine learning balances the photo’s color so that objects will be shown in their natural color during the night.
  • Shorter exposures will capture less light to keep motion blurriness at bay.
  • Natural handshakes and scene motions will turn the dark photo into a bright photo.

Features of Night Sights

Sophisticated algorithm to generate beautiful images

Night Sight uses exposure stacking but takes a few more steps by detecting and analyzing all frames for maximum exposure and color balance. It combines multiple exposures and gives priority to color accuracy and detail preservation.

The AI algorithm of Night Sight improves the dynamic range of the dark areas, creating brighter and more appealing images.

Generate brighter images in moonlight and streetlighting

Night Sight photos appear brighter than ever in extremely low-light areas such as nightscapes lit by only doomed streetlights or moonlight. It can brighten the scenes while conserving the details. It also allows the users to capture the images with the best clarity and accurate colors.

The advanced processing algorithm handles high-contrast scenes and delivers well-balanced exposures and vibrant colors.

Easy integration with Google Camera

Night Sight is integrated with Google Camera as the default camera app for Pixel phones. This integration lets users access the camera quickly from the camera interface and helps with the streamlined shooting process. In addition, Google keeps on updating Night Sight software for more refined results. Therefore, the users will be able to access the latest features.


  • Advanced computational photography helps shoot photos with no noise in extremely dark conditions.
  • This is easy to use, and users do not need to download or install anything.


  • Users might experience delays processing the photos in low light conditions.
  • This app is only available for Google smartphones; other phone users might not use it.

Pricing: Free

Comparison between NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight

The following is the comparison between NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight:




Operating system

iOS 15.0 or later.

iOS 10.0 or later.

Languages supported

English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese.





Pictures and videos Support

Yes, it can take bright images and videos.

It can help you take night photos.


In a decision between NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight, both apps show impressive capabilities to shoot low-light photos. However, when it comes to delivering exceptional image qualities in challenging light conditions, Night Sight is a winner.

It has a superior AI algorithm and details compared to the NeuralCam. Therefore, it can shoot brighter and clearer images. When shooting cityscapes in dark mode or nighttime portraits, users prefer using Night Sight. It helps hold the atmosphere and essence of the atmosphere and is a go-to choice for nighttime photographers.

FAQs – NeuralCam Vs. Night Sight

Are NeuralCam and NightSight suitable for nighttime photography?

In terms of nighttime shooting, these two are the optimal choices for the users. They do not hold back the users but allow capturing significant-quality photos.

Is NeuralCam compatible with all iPhone models?

NeuralCam can be installed on iPhone 6s and the following versions, thus making it compatible with older iPhone models.

When can you use the Night Sight app on your phone?

You should use the app when capturing the photo in low lighting conditions. Tapping on the app will take you to the Night sight mode to capture pictures beautifully and clearly in dim conditions.