Newgen Software Technologies Interview Experience (GURGAON)

Newgen Technologies visited our campus to recruit candidates for the role of Software Engineer, open to Computer Science and IT students.

Round 1: The initial round comprised 75 questions to be answered within 90 minutes. The questions were divided into three sections: Aptitude (25 questions), Verbal (25 questions), and Technical (25 questions). Candidates were shortlisted based on sectional cutoffs.

Round 2: Technical Interview (50-55 minutes) The interview began with a brief introduction followed by a discussion on my project, the search engine ‘e’ for Data Optimization.

  1. I was asked to find the third largest or kth largest element from an array, which I implemented in Python.
  2. Explained DML, DCL, DDL commands in SQL.
  3. Discussed time complexities of various sorting techniques.
  4. Drew the ER diagram of my project and explained concepts like primary key, foreign key, candidate key, and super key.
  5. Differentiated between linked lists and arrays, and solved linked list-related questions like reversing a linked list and traversal.
  6. Explained priority queues and the difference between binary trees and BST.
  7. Defined RDBMS and elucidated various types of joins in SQL. After a wait of 3 hours, I was called for the HR round, feeling both happy and nervous.

Round 3: HR Interview (15-20 minutes)

  1. Introduced myself.
  2. Discussed why I chose Newgen technologies and talked about areas of improvement.
  3. Answered questions about family background, academic achievements, and extracurricular activities.
  4. Described my strengths and weaknesses.

Final Result: 21 candidates were selected, including myself.

Tips: Maintain composure and respond politely throughout the interview process.