Newgen Software Technology Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Newgen  came to our college for Software engineer profile. (Eligible branches-CSE and IT)

Round 1:(Online Round)

The first round consists of  75 questions in 90 minutes.  The MCQs focused mainly on technical, apptitude and english. Sections- Apptitude (25 Questions), Verbal(25) and Technical(25) Shortlisting of candidates based on sectional cut-off.

Round 2:(Technical Interview-50-55 mins)

It started with my introduction and followed by the brief discussion on my project (ORE-Optimized Results Engine). Ques 1-Find the 3 largest or kth largest element from an array?

He asked me to write the code in the language in which you are comfortable. I choose Python. Ques 2-Tell commands of DML, DCL, DDL?

. Ques 3- Questions regarding Time Complexities of various sorting techniques.

Ques 4- Draw ER diagram of your projects? I started drawing then he asked about the primary key, foreign key, candidate key and super key.

Ques 5- Difference between linked list and arrays, questions on linked list (reverse a linked list, traversal ).

Ques-6 What is priority queue, tell the difference between binary tree and BST. Ques 7-What is RDMS, and explain all types of joins in sql.

After 3 hr my name called for HR. (Happy but nervous too).

Round 3:(HR Interview 15-20 min)

1-Tell something about yourself? 2-Why Newgen? 3-Tell about your areas of improvement? 4-Normal questions regarding family background, academics and extra-curricular activities. 5-What are your strength and weakness? Final Result(21 selected including me). Tips: Be calm and answer politely.