NIT Arunachal Pradesh College Experience

Entering college felt like a small fish in a vast ocean. The campus was energetic with diverse aspirations and capabilities. It was not an easy journey, a world waiting to be explored and one which was in need of such exploration.

I still remember those initial weeks of entering into a college, finding my footing which at some point of time was full of enjoyment and at sometime proved daunting. Belonging from a quiet town, I was accustomed to a slow moving environment. But this needed a change now as the college demanded more—I needed to search my voice and prove the same. It was a revelation though not instant, but gradually, through involving in spirited class discussions and most importantly, in extracurriculars, I started discovering the power of my own.

College is known for its learning. But it was something beyond academics. It was crucible for personal growth and development. Those hostel days, involving late-night conversations with friends, which sometime was a serious discussion and mostly was a fun period which spurred me to confront questions of one’s identity and purpose. It provided me a platform, rather a journey of self-discovery, where I merged together the pieces of who I am and what I aspire to be.

It was not always this straight. There were multiple challenges, some funny as well, moments of doubt when the decision seems vague and the future uncertain. Yet, amidst the struggle, it was the path after the graduation which was clear and which solaced in the unwavering support of those lifetime friends.

I am still somewhat confused of those 4 years moving with a speed, which is unimaginable. As graduation approached, I was transformed to the length and breadth of what I already was—not just academically, but as a person. College had provided me the confidence to embrace my passions and to deal every form of circumstances and challenges. Most importantly, it had equipped me with a voice unafraid to speak up and to leave an indelible mark on the world where we have to mark our presence.

My college journey was more than an academic pursuit; it was a voyage of ups and downs, of self-discovery and full of empowerment. It taught me the value of embracing diversity and daring to carve my own path, simply speaking not following the path of others. Armed with such a newfound clarity, I always am ready to embark on the next chapter of my life, with full zeal to leave my mark on the world.