Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen cycle is the natural process by which atmospheric nitrogen is converted into various usable forms, like ammonia and nitrates, by bacteria for plant and animal consumption and then returned to the atmosphere through decomposition and denitrification, maintaining the nutrient balance in ecosystems. Nitrogen is an essential element for life as it is a key component of amino acids, proteins, DNA, and other biological molecules. Human activities, like agriculture and industry, can disrupt this cycle, leading to environmental issues.

Table of Content

  • Nitrogen Cycle
  • Nitrogen Cycle Diagram
  • Steps of Nitrogen Cycle
  • Marine Nitrogen Cycle
  • Significance of Nitrogen Cycle
  • Consequences of Human Modification of Nitrogen Cycle
  • FAQs on Nitrogen Cycle

What is Nitrogen Cycle?

Nitrogen is an essential element that constitutes about 78% of Earth’s atmosphere, playing a vital role in the ecosystems. However, nitrogen atmospheric form is largely inaccessible to most organisms. Through a series of interconnected processes known as the nitrogen cycle, this atmospheric nitrogen undergoes transformation into forms that can be utilized by living organisms.

Nitrogen fixation, carried out by specific bacteria, converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia or ammonium, providing a vital source of nitrogen for plants. Subsequently, ammonification involves the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria, releasing ammonium ions back into the soil. Nitrification follows, wherein bacteria convert ammonium into nitrite and then nitrite into nitrate, a form that plants can readily absorb. Plants incorporate these nitrogen compounds into amino acids and proteins through assimilation, passing on the essential nutrient to consumers along the food chain. Denitrification, performed by bacteria in low-oxygen environments, converts nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, thus completing the nitrogen cycle.

Nitrogen Cycle Diagram

The labeled nitrogen cycle diagram is shown below:

Steps of Nitrogen Cycle

The stages of nitrogen cycle are explained as follows:

Nitrogen Fixation

Atmospheric nitrogen (N2) is converted into ammonia (NH3)or ammonium ions (NH4+) through biological, industrial, or natural processes. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as those in the genera Rhizobium and Azotobacter, play an important role. These bacteria either live in the soil or form symbiotic relationships with plants. They possess the enzyme nitrogenase, which can break the strong triple bond of atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into ammonia.

Types of Nitrogen Fixation

  1. Atmospheric Fixation: It is a natural phenomenon in which the lightning energy breaks the nitrogen into nitrogen oxide, which circulates in the ecosystem. Nitrogen enters the ecosystem with the help of plants.
  2. Industrial Nitrogen Fixation: Ammonia is formed from the direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen, which is further converted into different fertilizers. Example- Urea.
  3. Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogen in the air is not directly taken by the plants. Plants take the nitrogen from the soil with the help of roots and bacteria (rhizobium and blue-green algae), which make the symbiosis interaction between the plant and animal. Bacteria convert the unusable nitrogen into usable compounds taken by the plant.


When plants and animals die, and when waste products decompose, organic nitrogen compounds are released. Decomposer microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, break down these organic materials and convert them into ammonia (NH3). This process replenishes the soil with ammonium ions.


Nitrification is a two-step process involving different types of bacteria:

  • Ammonium Oxidation: Ammonium ions (NH4+) are converted into nitrite ions (NO2-) by ammonium-oxidizing bacteria such as Nitrosomonas.
  • Nitrite Oxidation: Nitrite ions (NO2-) are further converted into nitrate ions (NO3-) by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria like Nitrobacter. Nitrates are more mobile in soils and can be taken up by plants.


Plants take up ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) ions from the soil through their roots. These ions are then used to synthesize amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, and other nitrogen-containing organic molecules essential for plant growth.

  • Consumption: Herbivores and other animals consume plants to obtain their nutrients, including the nitrogen compounds present in the plant tissues. Carnivores, in turn, consume other animals. This transfers the nitrogen through the food chain.
  • Decomposition: The remains of plants and animals, including their nitrogen-rich compounds, undergo decomposition by decomposer microorganisms. During this process, organic nitrogen is broken down into simpler nitrogen compounds, such as ammonia (NH3), which can be reused in the cycle.


Denitrification is the process by which nitrate ions (NO3-) are converted back into nitrogen gas (N2) or nitrous oxide (N2O) by denitrifying bacteria, such as Pseudomonas and Paracoccus. This occurs under anaerobic conditions. It helps to continue the nitrogen cycle by releasing nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

Marine Nitrogen Cycle

The marine nitrogen cycle is similar to the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. The only difference is that the marine cycle is carried out by marine bacteria and archaea.

The main source of nitrogen in the marine ecosystem is the sediment rocks. The weathering of the sediment rock, adds nitrogen to the marine ecosystem which is later consumed by the plant.

Significance of Nitrogen Cycle

The importance of nitrogen cycle are as follows:

  • Nitrogen is a fundamental building block of amino acids, proteins, and DNA, critical for the growth and functioning of all living organisms.
  • The cycle maintains a balanced supply of nitrogen in ecosystems, supporting plant health, animal populations, and overall biodiversity.
  • Proper nitrogen cycling enhances soil fertility, boosts crop yields, and ensures sustainable food production.
  • It helps regulate atmospheric nitrogen levels, preventing excessive nitrogen emissions that can lead to air pollution.
  • Nitrous oxide, a product of denitrification, is a potent greenhouse gas. Proper cycle functioning helps manage its release and mitigate climate change effects.
  • Proper functioning of the nitrogen cycle supports balanced ecosystems by regulating nutrient availability, affecting plant diversity and overall ecosystem health.

Consequences of Human Modification of Nitrogen Cycle

Human modification of the nitrogen cycle, mainly through activities like: industrial agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels, has significant environmental and ecological consequences. These alterations disrupt the natural balance of nitrogen in ecosystems and can lead to several negative effects:

  1. Impacts of Natural Resources: Higher concentrations of nitrogen negatively impact both terrestrial and marine cycles. It can be toxic to some plant species.
  2. Impact on Humans: Excess secretion of N (reactive nitrogen) because of human activities in the ocean leads to nitrate accumulation, which is harmful to human health.
  3. Impact on Human Health: Due to human activities nitrogen gases and their products are released into the atmosphere called nitrogen pollution which changes the nitrogen cycle as well. When nitrogen and its components are released into the atmosphere it makes smog, aerosols, and particulate matter which affect human health by affecting the AQI of air.

FAQs on Nitrogen Cycle

1. What is the nitrogen cycle?


The nitrogen cycle is a natural process that involves the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into various usable forms, which are cycled through different ecosystems, sustaining life and maintaining nutrient balance.

2. What is Nitrification?


Nitrification is a process that converts ammonia into nitrate. The ammonia is converted to nitrite (NO2) by the bacteria Nitrosomonas, or Nitrococcus, etc., and then to nitrate (NO3) by Nitrobacter.

3.Why is nitrogen important?


Nitrogen is crucial for various aspects of life on Earth and plays several key roles in both biological and environmental systems. Nitrogen is important because it is the primary component for the production of amino acids, nucleic acids, protein etc.

4. What is the function of nitrifying bacteria?


Nitrifying bacteria are aerobic bacteria, which are mainly involved in the conversion of ammonia into nitrates.

5. What are the 7 steps of the nitrogen cycle?


The steps include nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification (ammonium oxidation and nitrite oxidation), assimilation, consumption, decomposition, and denitrification.