NJ Technologies Pvt Ltd Interview Experience for Java Developer (Off-Campus)

Starting off on the journey of job interviews or entering the realm of campus placements can be a mix of excitement and challenges. Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in on-campus interviews at Nj Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

In this post, I want to share my experiences and insights gained from this interview process. Whether you’re a student gearing up for your first interview or seeking to enhance your interview skills, my journey and tips could prove invaluable. Let’s dive into the world of job interviews!”

Aptitude Test:

  1. The initial stage was an aptitude test, comprising verbal, logical, mathematical, and three technical sections with multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
  2. Incorrect answers resulted in a deduction of 0.25 points.
  3. Out of 35 participants, 8 were shortlisted.

First HR Round:

  1. In the HR round, the interview began with a self-introduction.
  2. Following that, I was asked about my proficiency in Java and presented my knowledge about their company.
  3. Questions included how I aspire to become a Java developer and inquiries about Java features.
  4. Additionally, I was asked to explain how Java ensures robustness.
  5. Concepts related to Java’s Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) were discussed.
  6. They inquired about Java’s platform independence and its mechanisms.
  7. SQL injection and prevention methods were discussed.
  8. SQL indexing and the maximum number of possible indexes in a table were questioned.
  9. Deadlocks and their characteristics were explained.
  10. The difference between ‘finally’ and ‘final’ in Java was inquired.
  11. I was asked under what circumstances ‘finally’ blocks might not execute.
  12. Preventing deadlocks was discussed.
  13. The differences between `StringBuilder` and `StringBuffer`, their mutability, and examples of mutable and immutable objects were questioned.

Technical Round:

  1. In the technical round, I was asked to print Fibonacci numbers up to 20 and provide the associated code.
  2. I had to explain the Java concepts used in the provided code.
  3. I was asked to distinguish between ‘throw’ and ‘throws’.
  4. A question from a provided link (https://www.w3wiki.net/fizz-buzz-implementation/) was given.
  5. I had to write a query to retrieve employee names, salaries, and department IDs from two tables, ’employee’ and ‘department’.
  6. Finally, I was asked to explain how to calculate the total salary for each employee, given a specific table structure and data.

The technical round was relatively straightforward, with the primary focus on the HR round.

Tips :

  • Know the Company: Learn about the company, its culture, and what it does. Tailor your answers to fit their vibe.
  • Resume Review: Be ready to talk about your resume. Highlight your skills and experiences relevant to the job.
  • Practice Q&A: Practice common interview questions, like “Tell me about yourself” and “Why do you want this job?”.
  • Use Real Stories:Share stories (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to answer questions based on your past experiences.
  • Tech Know-How: For tech roles, brush up on your skills and practice related problems.
  • Ask Questions: Prepare questions for the interviewer. It shows you’re interested. Ask about the company, team, and the role.
  • Dress Well: Dress professionally. Better to overdress a bit than underdress.
  • Be on Time: Don’t be late. Punctuality matters in person and virtually.
  • Send Thanks: Send a thank-you email after the interview to show your appreciation.

Best of luck for your future endeavors!