NKOCET College Campus Experience

The past six semesters at Nagesh Karajagi Orchid College of Engineering and Technology, pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering, have presented a unique learning experience. While the global pandemic necessitated a shift to online learning for a significant portion of the curriculum, I have maximized the opportunities for professional development during my on-campus semesters. Each semester has provided valuable knowledge and practical skills that have solidified my foundation in computer science engineering.

About the Campus:

Nagesh Karajagi Orchid’s campus is pretty cool, even though the pandemic stopped us from being there all the time. The classrooms are like busy beehives, the study spaces are awesome for teaming up on projects, and the labs are tricked out with all the latest tech. There’s even a bunch of clubs and activities to keep things interesting outside of class. It’s like a home away from home, even if it wasn’t always as jam-packed as it could’ve been.

First Year Experience :

First semester of college was a whole new world, but from a computer screen. Thanks to COVID, everything was online. It wasn’t exactly the full of active life I envisioned, but the professors did their best to make it engaging. Interviewing for this B.Tech program felt like yesterday, and suddenly I was bombarded with new technologies like data structures, languages assignments online felt pretty good.Stepping for the second semester was like entering a whole new dimension. Gone were the days of pixelated faces on a screen – now I was surrounded by real classmates, their energy buzzing through the hallways. Making new friends felt like second nature – we were all in the same boat, navigating unfamiliar territory. From the booming lectures in person to the hands-on learning in the labs, everything felt fresh and exciting. It was a whirlwind of new faces, challenging subjects, and the thrill of finally experiencing college life the way it was meant to be.

Second Year Experience:

Second year was like a wild ride ! Data structures, which seemed super hard online, were a little less scary in the labs and with actual teachers around. There were still some mind-bending classes like compiler stuff and crazy math, but figuring them out felt awesome. Projects became the best part – working with friends to build websites or apps from scratch. Each project felt like a step towards becoming coding ninjas!Of course, it wasn’t all work. We found ways to chill after class. The campus turned into our own personal fun zone with soccer games after school and movie nights in the common room. There were bumps along the road, like missing deadlines, freaking out before exams, and missing home sometimes. But going through this stuff together made us super close with our classmates and even some teachers. Professors who helped us understand hard stuff or stayed late to answer questions became more than just teachers, they became like friends and mentors. Looking back, year two was a blur of late-night coding, conquering tough subjects, and making friendships that will last forever !

Third Year Experience:

My third year at NKOCET as been a period of intense learning and growth. The late nights dedicated to coding projects have definitely paid off. I’m finding myself approaching complex problems with more confidence and a problem-solving mindset. Teamwork has become a crucial aspect this year, as projects require collaboration and clear communication of ideas with classmates.The world of technology moves fast, and staying current feels essential. Whether it’s a new programming language or a cutting-edge framework, keeping my skill set updated is a priority. With campus placements on the horizon, the pressure is mounting, but I understand companies value well-rounded individuals with strong communication skills and a passion for technology, not just grades.The workload can be demanding, but it’s incredibly rewarding. When stress levels rise, I rely on study groups at the library or unwind with friends. Building good relationships with professors has proven invaluable. They offer guidance and support, and their insights can be a major advantage.Participating in hackathons is a fantastic opportunity to test my skills under pressure, learn new technologies in a fast-paced environment, and potentially win exciting prizes. The competition can be fierce, but that just pushes me to learn and grow even more.Third year throws its challenges, but I’m embracing them. Every mistake is a learning experience, and I’m determined to have fun along the way. The connections and skills I’m building now are laying the foundation for future success in the tech industry.