Node.js DNS Complete Reference

Node.js DNS is a node module used to do name resolution facility which is provided by the operating system as well as used to do an actual DNS lookup.



    // Node.js program to demonstrate the
    // dns.resolve() method
    // Accessing dns module
    const dns = require('dns');
    // Set the rrtype for dns.resolve() method
    const rrtype="A";
    // Calling dns.resolve() method for hostname
    // and print them in
    // console as a callback
    dns.resolve('', rrtype, (err, records)
            => console.log('records: %j', records));


records: [""]

The Complete List of NodeJS DNS are listed below:

Node.js DNS

Node.js dns.getServers() Method This is an inbuilt application programming interface of the dns module which is used to get IP addresses of the current server.
Node.js dns.lookup() Method This is used to resolve IP addresses of the specified hostname for given parameters into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record.
Node.js dns.lookupService() Method This is used to resolve the addresses and port number to hostname using operating system’s underlying getnameinfo implementation.
Node.js dns.resolve() Method This is used to resolve hostname into an array of the resource records.
Node.js dns.resolve4() Method This is used to resolve IPv4 address (‘A’ record) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolve6() Method This is used to resolve IPv6 address (‘AAAA’ record) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveAny() Method This is used to resolve all records (i.e. ‘ANY’ or ‘*’) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveCname() Method  This is used to resolve CNAME records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveMx() Method This is used to resolve MX or mail exchange records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveNaptr() Method This is used to resolve NAPTR record or regular expression based records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveTxt() Method This is used to resolve TXT or text queries records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveNs() Method This  is used to resolve NS or name server records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolvePtr() Method This is used to resolve PTR or pointer records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dns.resolveSoa() Method This is used to resolve SOA or start of authority records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolve() Method This is used to resolve hostname into an array of the resource records.
Node.js dnsPromises.lookup() Method This is used to resolve IP addresses of the specified hostname for given parameters into the first found A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record.
Node.js dnsPromises.lookupService() Method This is used to resolve the addresses and port number to hostname and service using operating system’s underlying getnameinfo implementation.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveNs() Method This is used to resolve NS or name server records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.reverse() Method  This is used to resolve hostname for the specified IP address using reverse DNS query.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveTxt() Method This is used to resolve TXT or text queries records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveSoa() Method This is used to resolve SOA or start of authority records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveAny() Method  This is used to resolve all records (i.e. ‘ANY’ or ‘*’) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveMx() Method This is used to resolve MX or mail exchange records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolve4() Method This is used to resolve IPv4 address (‘A’ record) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolve6() Method This is used to resolve IPv6 address (‘AAAA’ record) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.resolveMx() Method This is used to resolve MX or mail exchange records for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.
Node.js dnsPromises.getServers() Method This is used to get the IP addresses of the current server.