Node.js dnsPromises.resolveAny() Method

The dnsPromises.resolveAny() method is an inbuilt application programming interface of the promises object of dns module which is used to resolve all records (i.e. ‘ANY’ or ‘*’) for the specified hostname using DNS protocol.


dnsPromises.resolveAny( hostname )

Parameters: This method accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • hostname: This parameter specifies a string which denotes the hostname to be resolved.

Return: This method returns error, records.
Records that may be returned are among

  • A: IPv4 address
  • AAAA: IPv6 address
  • ANY: Any records
  • CNAME: canonical name records
  • MX: mail exchange records
  • NAPTR: name authority pointer records
  • NS: name server records
  • PTR: pointer records
  • SOA: start of authority records
  • SRV: service records
  • TXT: text records

Below examples illustrate the use of dnsPromises.resolveAny() method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the   
// dnsPromises.resolveAny() method
// Accessing promises object from dns module
const dns = require('dns');
const dnsPromises = dns.promises;
// Calling dnsPromises.resolveAny() method 
dnsPromises.resolveAny('').then((res) => {
    console.log("for w3wiki : ");
// Calling dnsPromises.resolveAny() method 
dnsPromises.resolveAny('localhost').then((res) => {
    console.log("for localhost : ");


for localhost :
[ { address: '', ttl: 0, type: 'A' } ]
for w3wiki :
[ { exchange: '', priority: 5, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 5, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 1, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 10, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 10, type: 'MX' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { entries:
     [ 'v=spf1 -all' ],
    type: 'TXT' },
  { entries: [ 'fob1m1abcdp777bf2ncvnjm08n' ], type: 'TXT' },
  { nsname: '',
    hostmaster: '',
    serial: 1,
    refresh: 7200,
    retry: 900,
    expire: 1209600,
    minttl: 86400,
    type: 'SOA' } ]

Example 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the   
// dnsPromises.resolveAny() method
// Accessing promises object from dns module
const dns = require('dns');
const dnsPromises = dns.promises;
// Calling dnsPromises.resolveAny() method 
// asynchronously 
(async function() {
    // Records from resolveAny function
    const records = await dnsPromises.resolveAny('');
    // Printing  records
    console.log("from async: ");


from async:
[ { exchange: '', priority: 10, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 5, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 5, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 1, type: 'MX' },
  { exchange: '', priority: 10, type: 'MX' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { value: '', type: 'NS' },
  { entries:
     [ 'v=spf1 -all' ],
    type: 'TXT' },
  { entries: [ 'fob1m1abcdp777bf2ncvnjm08n' ], type: 'TXT' },
  { nsname: '',
    hostmaster: '',
    serial: 1,
    refresh: 7200,
    retry: 900,
    expire: 1209600,
    minttl: 86400,
    type: 'SOA' } ]

Note: The above program will compile and run by using the node index.js command.
