Node.js fsPromises.opendir() Method

The fsPromises.opendir() method is defined in the File System module of Node.js. The File System module is basically to interact with the hard disk of the user’s computer. The method is used to asynchronously open a directory.
The fsPromise.opendir() method returns a resolved or rejected promise and hence avoid the callback nesting or callback hell problems that may occur in fs.opendir(). The promise is resolved with ‘fs.Dir’ object, the object itself contains other functions for accessing and closing the directory. In case if the promise is rejected it will be rejected with an error object.

fs.promises.opendir(path, options)

Parameters: This method accept two parameters as mentioned above and described below:  

  • path: It is an String, Buffer or Url that specifies the path to the directory that has to be open.
  • options: It is an optional parameter that affects the output in someway accordingly provide it to the function call or not. 
    • encoding: It specifies the encoding technique, default is ‘UTF8’
    • bufferSize: It is a number that specifies the number of directory entries that are buffered internally when reading from the directory. High value of bufferSize, ensures good performance but leads to more memory usages.

Return Value: This method returns a promise resolved with ‘fs.Dir’ object, the object itself contains other functions for accessing and closing the directory. In case if the promise is rejected, it will be rejected with an error object.
‘dir’ object methods:  

  • dir.close() method: It asynchronously close the resources of the directory and hence Subsequent attempt to read will result in errors. A Promise is returned that will be resolved after the resource has been closed.
  • dir.closeSync() method: It synchronously close the resources of the directory and hence Subsequent attempt to read will result in errors.
  • dir.path: Returns the path to the directory.
  • method: It asynchronously read the next directory entry. After the read is completed, a Promise is returned that will be resolved with an fs.Dirent, or null if there are no more directory read.

Example 1: 


// Node.js program to demonstrate the  
// fsPromises.opendir() Method
// Importing File System module
const fs = require('fs')
    .then(dir => {
        console.log('Directory is opened')
        // Path to the directory
        `Path to the directory: ${dir.path}`)
        // Closing directory
        return dir.close()
    .then(() => {
        console.log('Directory closed')
        console.log('\nFurther attempt to'
            + ' read sub-directories\n')
        // Further attempt to access the
        // directory results in error
    .then(dirent => {
        // Does not execute since directory
        // is closed catch block runs instead
    .catch(err => {
        console.log('Error, Something went wrong!')

Implementing the same functionality using async-await 


// Node.js program to demonstrate the  
// fsPromises.opendir() Method
// Importing File System module
const fs = require('fs')
const readDir = async (path) => {
    // Opening directory
    const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(path)
    console.log('Directory is opened')
    // Path to the directory
    console.log(`Path to the directory: ${dir.path}`)
    // Closing directory
    await dir.close()
    console.log('Directory closed')
    console.log('\nFurther attempt '
            + 'to read sub-directories\n')
    // Further attempt to access the directory
    // results in error does not execute
    // since directory is closed catch
    // block runs instead
    const subDir = await
    .catch(err => {
        console.log('Error, Something went wrong!')


  Directory is opened
  Path to the directory: test1
  Directory closed

  Further attempt to read sub-directories

  Error, Something went wrong!

Example 2: 


// Node.js program to demonstrate the  
// fsPromises.opendir() Method
// Importing File System module
const fs = require('fs')
    .then(dir => {
        console.log('Directory is opened')
        // Path to the directory
        console.log(`Path to the directory: ${dir.path}`)
        // Reading sub-directories or files
        console.log('\nReading sub-directories:\n')
    .then(dirent => {
        console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
        // Reading further sub directories
    .then(dirent => {
        console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    .then(dirent => {
        console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    .then(dirent => {
        console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    .then(dirent => {
        console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    .catch(err => {
        console.log('Error, Something went wrong!')

Implementing the same functionality using async-await 


// Node.js program to demonstrate the  
// fsPromises.opendir() Method
// Importing File System module
const fs = require('fs')
const readDir = async (path) => {
    // Opening directory
    const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(path)
    console.log('Directory is opened')
    // Path to the directory
    console.log(`Path to the directory: ${dir.path}`)
    // Reading sub-directories or files
    const subDir1 = await
    const subDir2 = await
    const subDir3 = await
    const subDir4 = await
    const subDir5 = await
    // Printing
    console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    console.log(`Sub-Directory : ${}`)
    .catch(err => {
        console.log('Error, Something went wrong!')


  Directory is opened
  Path to the directory: test1

  Reading sub-directories:

  Sub-Directory : example1.txt
  Sub-Directory : example2.txt
  Sub-Directory : example3.txt
  Sub-Directory : example4.txt
  Sub-Directory : null
