Node.js OS Complete Reference

Node.js OS module provides information about the computer operating system.

Below example illustrate the os.version() method in Node.js:



// Import the os module
const os = require("os");
let osVersion = os.version();
console.log("OS Version:", osVersion);


OS Version: Windows 10 Enterprise

The Complete list of OS are listed below:

Node.js OS 


Node.js os.EOL This is used to get end-of-line characters or markers as specified by the operating system.
Node.js os.arch() Method This is used to get the CPU architecture of the computer for which the current node.js is compiled.
Node.js os.cpus() Method This is used to get information about each logical CPU core of the computer.
Node.js os.endianness() Method This is used to get endianness of the CPU of the computer for which the node.js is compiled.
Node.js os.freemem() Method This is used to get the amount of free system memory.
Node.js os.getPriority() Method This is used to get the scheduling priority of the process specified by pid.
Node.js os.homedir() Method This is used to get path of the home directory for the current user.
Node.js os.hostname() Method This is used to get hostname of the operating system.
Node.js os.loadavg() Method This is used to get the load average.
Node.js os.networkInterfaces() Method  This is used to get information about the network interfaces of the computer.
Node.js os.platform() Method This is used to get the Operating system platform.
Node.js os.release() Method This is used to get the Operating system release.
Node.js os.setPriority() Method This is used to set the scheduling priority of the process specified by pid and priority.
Node.js os.tmpdir() Method This is used to get path of default directory for temporary files of the operating system.
Node.js os.totalmem() Method This is used to get the amount of total system memory in bytes.
Node.js os.type() Method This is used to get the Operating system name.
Node.js os.uptime() Method This is used to get system uptime in seconds.
Node.js os.userInfo() Method This is used to get the information of the currently effective user.
Node.js os.version() Method The os. version() method is used to identify the version of the kernel of the Operating System.