Node.js | script.runInThisContext() Method

The script.runInThisContext() method runs the compiled code present inside the vm.Script within the context of the current global object. Moreover, running code has no access to local scope, but it has access to the current global object.


script.runInThisContext( options )

Parameters: This method accepts single parameter options which is optional and returns Object. The options can be displayErrors, timeout, and breakOnSigint.

Return Value: It returns the result of the very last statement executed in the script.

Below examples illustrate the use of script.runInThisContext() method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the     
// script.runInThisContext() method
// Including vm module
const vm = require('vm');
// Defining code
let code = 'console.log("I am an author?");';
// Defining script
let script = new vm.Script(code);
// Calling runInThisContext method


I am an author?

Example 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the     
// script.runInThisContext() method
// Including vm module
const vm = require('vm');
// Defining x and y
 var x = 40; var y = 17;
// Adding x and y
const z = x + y;
// Dwfining code
let code = console.log(z);
// Defining script
let script = new vm.Script(code);
// Calling runInThisContext method


