Node.js stringDecoder.write() Method

The stringDecoder.write() method is used to return a decoded string from the given Buffer, TypedArray or DataView. This method also ensures that any incomplete multibyte characters at the end of the buffer are omitted from the returned string. These characters are stored in an internal buffer for the next call to the stringDecoder.write() or stringDecoder.end() methods.


stringDecoder.write( buffer )

Parameters: This method accepts single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • buffer: It is a Buffer, TypedArray or DataView that contains the bytes that have to be decoded.

Return Value: It returns a string which is decoded from the given buffer.

Below programs illustrate the stringDecoder.write() method in Node.js:

Example 1:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the   
// stringDecoder.write() Method 
// Import the string_decoder module
// and get the StringDecoder class 
// using object destructuring
const { StringDecoder } = require("string_decoder");
// Create a new instance of the decoder
const decoder = new StringDecoder("utf-8");
const text_one = Buffer.from("w3wiki", "utf-8");
let decoded_text = decoder.write(text_one);
console.log("Decoded Text:", decoded_text);


Decoded Text: w3wiki

Example 2:

// Node.js program to demonstrate the   
// stringDecoder.write() Method 
// Import the string_decoder module
// and get the StringDecoder class 
// using object destructuring
const { StringDecoder } = require("string_decoder");
// Create a new instance of the decoder
const decoder = new StringDecoder("utf-8");
// Decoding text using hex from buffer
const hex_text = new Buffer.from(
      "4765656B73666F724765656B73", "hex");
let decoded_hex_text = decoder.write(hex_text);
console.log("Decoded Text Hex:", decoded_hex_text);
// Decoding text using base64 from buffer
const base64_text = new Buffer.from(
      "R2Vla3Nmb3JHZWVrcw==", "base64");
let decoded_base64_text = decoder.write(base64_text);
console.log("Decoded Text Base64:", decoded_base64_text);
// Decoding the cent symbol from buffer
const cent_symbol = Buffer.from([0xc2, 0xa2]);
let cent_symbol_out = decoder.write(cent_symbol);
console.log("Cent Symbol:", cent_symbol_out);


Decoded Text Hex: w3wiki
Decoded Text Base64: w3wiki
Cent Symbol: ¢
