Nokia Interview Experience for Graduate Engineer Trainee

There were 4 rounds in total:

  • Resume shortlist: Resumes were and the selected students got the test link on their emails.
  • Online test: Conducted on AMCAT, questions were asked from the following categories
    • Aptitude (Numerical Ability, Reasoning, Coding-Decoding, Blood relations
    • 2 Coding questions were asked (level easy)
  • Technical Interview: 
    • Depending on the interviewer, he/she may ask anything from your resume, the projects you have mentioned, the skills you have mentioned, etc.
    • You will also be asked to write the code for some basic programming questions so better to practice the same beforehand.
  •  HR Interview: Only some basic questions will be asked e.g., why do you want to join Nokia, Are you okay with relocation, etc.
    if you got through the technical interview, you need to worry about this one.

Questions to prepare:

  • Thoroughly prepare what you have mentioned in your resume e.g., in case of projects prepare why you built that project, what database design and concepts you used, what technologies you used, and why.
  • Learn the programming concepts like OOPS, JAVA Architecture, etc


Learn the concepts of python very well, they mostly focused on python as in our case they were hiring for automation.