NPDA for accepting the language L = {anbm | n,m ≥ 1 and n ≠ m}

Problem –
L = {aab, abb, aaab, abbb, aaaab, aaabb, aabbb, abbbb ......} 
Explanation –
 = { a, z }
Approach used in the construction of PDA –
Stack transition functions –
(q0, a, z)  (q0, az)
(q0, a, a)  (q0, aa)
(q0, b, a)  (q1,  )
(q1, b, a)  (q1,  )
(q1, , a)  (qf, a)   
(q1, b, z)  (qf, z)   

Where, q0 = Initial state
qf = Final state
= indicates pop operation

State Transition Diagram –