Number of Hamiltonian cycle

Given an undirected complete graph of N vertices where N > 2. The task is to find the number of different Hamiltonian cycle of the graph.
Complete Graph: A graph is said to be complete if each possible vertices is connected through an Edge.
Hamiltonian Cycle: It is a closed walk such that each vertex is visited at most once except the initial vertex. and it is not necessary to visit all the edges.


Input : N = 6
Output : Hamiltonian cycles = 60

Input : N = 4
Output : Hamiltonian cycles = 3


Let us take the example of N = 4 complete undirected graph, The 3 different hamiltonian cycle is as shown below:

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ program for implementation of the
// above program
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function that calculates
// number of Hamiltonian cycle
int Cycles(int N)
    int fact = 1, result = 0;
    result = N - 1;
    // Calculating factorial
    int i = result;
    while (i > 0) {
        fact = fact * i;
    return fact / 2;
// Driver code
int main()
    int N = 5;
    int Number = Cycles(N);
    cout << "Hamiltonian cycles = " << Number;
    return 0;


// Java program for implementation
// of the above program
class GFG
// Function that calculates
// number of Hamiltonian cycle
static int Cycles(int N)
    int fact = 1, result = 0;
    result = N - 1;
    // Calculating factorial
    int i = result;
    while (i > 0)
        fact = fact * i;
    return fact / 2;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 5;
    int Number = Cycles(N);
    System.out.println("Hamiltonian cycles = " +
// This code is contributed
// by Code_Mech.


# Python3 program for implementation
# of the above program
import math as mt
# Function that calculates
# number of Hamiltonian cycle
def Cycles(N):
    fact = 1
    result = N - 1
    # Calculating factorial
    i = result
    while (i > 0):
        fact = fact * i
        i -= 1
    return fact // 2
# Driver code
N = 5
Number = Cycles(N)
print("Hamiltonian cycles = ",
# This code is contributed
# by Mohit Kumar


// C# program for implementation of
// the above program
using System;
class GFG
// Function that calculates
// number of Hamiltonian cycle
static int Cycles(int N)
    int fact = 1, result = 0;
    result = N - 1;
    // Calculating factorial
    int i = result;
    while (i > 0)
        fact = fact * i;
    return fact / 2;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int N = 5;
    int Number = Cycles(N);
    Console.Write("Hamiltonian cycles = " +
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai


// PHP program for implementation
// of the above program
// Function that calculates
// number of Hamiltonian cycle
function Cycles($N)
    $fact = 1 ;
    $result = 0;
    $result = $N - 1;
    // Calculating factorial
    $i = $result;
    while ($i > 0)
        $fact = $fact * $i;
    return floor($fact / 2);
// Driver code
$N = 5;
$Number = Cycles($N);
echo "Hamiltonian cycles = ",
// This code is contributed by Ryuga


// Javascript program for implementation of the
// above program
// Function that calculates
// number of Hamiltonian cycle
function Cycles(N)
    var fact = 1, result = 0;
    result = N - 1;
    // Calculating factorial
    var i = result;
    while (i > 0) {
        fact = fact * i;
    return fact / 2;
// Driver code
var N = 5;
var Number = Cycles(N);
document.write( "Hamiltonian cycles = " + Number);
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56.


Hamiltonian cycles = 12


Time Complexity: O(n)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)