Number of pairs in an array such that product is greater than sum

Given a array a[] of non-negative integers. Count the number of pairs (i, j) in the array such that a[i] + a[j] < a[i]*a[j]. (the pair (i, j) and (j, i) are considered same and i should not be equal to j)


Input : a[] = {3, 4, 5}
Output : 3
Pairs are (3, 4) , (4, 5) and (3,5)

Input  : a[] = {1, 1, 1}
Output : 0
Recommended Practice

Naive approach: For each value a[i] count the number of a[j] (i > j) such that a[i]*a[j] > a[i] + a[j]



// Naive C++ program to count number of pairs
// such that their sum is more than product.
using namespace std;
// Returns the number of valid pairs
int countPairs (int arr[], int n)
    int ans = 0;  // initializing answer
    // Traversing the array. For each array
    // element, checking its predecessors that
    // follow the condition
    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
        for (int j = i-1; j>= 0; j--)
            if (arr[i]*arr[j] > arr[i] + arr[j])
    return ans;
// Driver function
int main()
    int arr[] = {3, 4, 5};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << countPairs(arr, n);
    return 0;


// Naive java program to count number of pairs
// such that their sum is more than product.
import java.*;
public class GFG
    // Returns the number of valid pairs
    static int countPairs (int arr[], int n)
        int ans = 0; // initializing answer
        // Traversing the array. For each array
        // element, checking its predecessors that
        // follow the condition
        for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
            for (int j = i-1; j>= 0; j--)
                if (arr[i]*arr[j] > arr[i] + arr[j])
        return ans;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int arr[] = {3, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.length;
        System.out.println(countPairs(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Sam007


# Naive Python program to count number
# of pairs such that their sum is more
# than product.
# Returns the number of valid pairs
def countPairs(arr, n):
    # initializing answer
    ans = 0
    # Traversing the array. For each
    # array element, checking its
    # predecessors that follow the
    # condition
    for i in range(0, n):
        j = i-1
        while(j >= 0):
            if (arr[i] * arr[j] >
                     arr[i] + arr[j]):
                ans = ans + 1
            j = j - 1
    return ans
# Driver program to test above function.
arr = [3, 4, 5]
n = len(arr)
k = countPairs(arr, n)
# This code is contributed by Sam007.


// Naive C# program to count number of pairs
// such that their sum is more than product.
using System;
public class GFG
    // Returns the number of valid pairs
    static int countPairs (int []arr, int n)
        int ans = 0; // initializing answer
        // Traversing the array. For each array
        // element, checking its predecessors that
        // follow the condition
        for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
            for (int j = i-1; j>= 0; j--)
                if (arr[i]*arr[j] > arr[i] + arr[j])
        return ans;
    // driver program
    public static void Main()
        int []arr = {3, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.Length;
        Console.Write( countPairs(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Sam007


// Naive PHP program to
// count number of pairs
// such that their sum
// is more than product.
// Returns the number
// of valid pairs
function countPairs ($arr, $n)
    // initializing answer
    $ans = 0;
    // Traversing the array.
    // For each array
    // element, checking
    // its predecessors that
    // follow the condition
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--)
            if ($arr[$i] * $arr[$j] >
                $arr[$i] + $arr[$j])
    return $ans;
// Driver Code
$arr = array(3, 4, 5);
$n = sizeof($arr);
echo(countPairs($arr, $n));
// This code is contributed by Ajit.


    // Naive Javascript program to count number of pairs
    // such that their sum is more than product.
    // Returns the number of valid pairs
    function countPairs(arr, n)
        let ans = 0; // initializing answer
        // Traversing the array. For each array
        // element, checking its predecessors that
        // follow the condition
        for (let i = 0; i<n; i++)
            for (let j = i-1; j>= 0; j--)
                if (arr[i]*arr[j] > (arr[i] + arr[j]))
        return ans;
    let arr = [3, 4, 5];
    let n = arr.length;
    document.write( countPairs(arr, n));



Efficient approach:

When a[i] = 0 : a[i]*a[j] = 0 and a[i] + a[j] >= 0 so if a[i] = 0 no pairs can be found. 
When a[i] = 1 : a[i]*a[j] = a[j] and a[i] + a[j] = 1 + a[j], so no pairs can be found when a[i] = 1 
When a[i] = 2 and a[j] = 2 : a[i]*a[j] = a[i] + a[j] = 4 
When a[i] = 2 and a[j] > 2 or a[i] > 2 and a[j] >= 2 : All such pairs are valid.
To solve this problem, count the number of 2s in the array say twoCount. Count the numbers greater than 2 in the array say twoGreaterCount. Answer will be twoCount * twoGreaterCount + twoGreaterCount * (twoGreaterCount-1)/2 



// C++ implementation of efficient approach
// to count valid pairs.
using namespace std;
// returns the number of valid pairs
int CountPairs (int arr[], int n)
    // traversing the array, counting the
    // number of 2s and greater than 2
    // in array
    int twoCount = 0, twoGrCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
        if (arr[i] == 2)
        else if (arr[i] > 2)
    return twoCount*twoGrCount +
// Driver function
int main()
    int arr[] = {3, 4, 5};
    int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
    cout << CountPairs(arr, n);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of efficient approach
// to count valid pairs.
import java.*;
public class GFG
    // Returns the number of valid pairs
    static int countPairs (int arr[], int n)
        // traversing the array, counting the
        // number of 2s and greater than 2
        // in array
        int twoCount = 0, twoGrCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
          if (arr[i] == 2)
          else if (arr[i] > 2)
        return twoCount*twoGrCount +
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int arr[] = {3, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.length;
        System.out.println(countPairs(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Sam007


# python implementation of efficient approach
# to count valid pairs.
# returns the number of valid pairs
def CountPairs (arr,n):
    # traversing the array, counting the
    # number of 2s and greater than 2
    # in array
    twoCount = 0
    twoGrCount = 0
    for i in range(0, n):
        if (arr[i] == 2):
            twoCount += 1
        else if (arr[i] > 2):
            twoGrCount += 1
    return ((twoCount * twoGrCount)
      + (twoGrCount * (twoGrCount - 1)) / 2)
# Driver function
arr = [3, 4, 5]
n = len(arr)
print( CountPairs(arr, n))
# This code is contributed by Sam007.


// C# implementation of efficient approach
// to count valid pairs.
using System;
public class GFG
    // Returns the number of valid pairs
    static int countPairs (int []arr, int n) {
    // traversing the array, counting the
    // number of 2s and greater than 2
    // in array
    int twoCount = 0, twoGrCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i<n; i++)
        if (arr[i] == 2)
        else if (arr[i] > 2)
    return twoCount*twoGrCount +
    // driver program
    public static void Main()
        int []arr = {3, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.Length;
        Console.Write( countPairs(arr, n));
// This code is contributed by Sam007


// PHP implementation of
// efficient approach
// to count valid pairs.
// returns the number
// of valid pairs
function CountPairs ($arr, $n)
    // traversing the array, counting
    // the number of 2s and greater
    // than 2 in array
    $twoCount = 0; $twoGrCount = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        if ($arr[$i] == 2)
        else if ($arr[$i] > 2)
    return $twoCount * $twoGrCount +
          ($twoGrCount * ($twoGrCount -
                               1)) / 2;
// Driver Code
$arr = array(3, 4, 5);
$n = sizeof($arr);
echo(CountPairs($arr, $n));
// This code is contributed by Ajit.


    // Javascript implementation of efficient approach to count valid pairs.
    // returns the number of valid pairs
    function CountPairs(arr, n)
        // traversing the array, counting the
        // number of 2s and greater than 2
        // in array
        let twoCount = 0, twoGrCount = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i<n; i++)
            if (arr[i] == 2)
            else if (arr[i] > 2)
        return twoCount*twoGrCount + parseInt((twoGrCount*(twoGrCount-1))/2, 10);
    let arr = [3, 4, 5];
    let n = arr.length;
    document.write(CountPairs(arr, n));



Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)