Numpy ndarray.tobytes() function | Python

numpy.ndarray.tobytes() function construct Python bytes containing the raw data bytes in the array.

Syntax : numpy.ndarray.tobytes(order=’C’)

Parameters :
order : [{‘C’, ‘F’, None}, optional] Order of the data for multidimensional arrays: C, Fortran, or the same as for the original array.

Return : Python bytes exhibiting a copy of arr’s raw data.

Code #1 :

# Python program explaining
# numpy.ndarray.tobytes() function
# importing numpy as geek 
import numpy as geek
arr = geek.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype ='<u2')
gfg = arr.tobytes()
print (gfg)

Output :


Code #2 :

# Python program explaining
# numpy.ndarray.tobytes() function
# importing numpy as geek 
import numpy as geek
arr = geek.array([[0, 1], [2, 3]], dtype ='<u2')
gfg = arr.tobytes('F')
print (gfg)

Output :
