numpy string operations | title() function

numpy.core.defchararray.title(arr): function is used to Return element-wise title cased version of string or unicode.Title case words start with uppercase characters, all remaining cased characters are lowercase.

arr : [ array_like ] Input array which may be str or unicode.

Returns : [ndarray] Output array of str or unicode, depending on input type.

Code #1:

# Python Program explaining
# numpy.char.title() function 
import numpy as geek 
in_arr = geek.array(['p4q r', '4q rp', 'q rp4', 'rp4q'])
print ("input array : ", in_arr)
out_arr = geek.char.title(in_arr)
print ("output titled array :", out_arr)


input array :  ['p4q r' '4q rp' 'q rp4' 'rp4q']
output titled array : ['P4Q R' '4Q Rp' 'Q Rp4' 'Rp4Q']

Code #2:

# Python Program explaining
# numpy.char.title() function 
import numpy as geek 
in_arr = geek.array(['Beginner', 'for', 'Beginner'])
print ("input array : ", in_arr)
out_arr = geek.char.title(in_arr)
print ("output titled array :", out_arr )


input array :  ['Beginner' 'for' 'Beginner']
output titled array : ['Beginner' 'For' 'Beginner']