NumPy | Vector Multiplication

Vector multiplication is of three types:

  • Scalar Product
  • Dot Product
  • Cross Product
  • Scalar Multiplication:
    Scalar multiplication can be represented by multiplying a scalar quantity by all the elements in the vector matrix.

    Code: Python code explaining Scalar Multiplication

    # importing libraries  
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import math
    v = np.array([4, 1])
    w = 5 * v
    print("w = ", w)
    # Plot w
    origin =[0], [0]
    plt.ticklabel_format(style ='sci', axis ='both'
                         scilimits =(0, 0))
    plt.quiver(*origin, *w, scale = 10)


    Output :

    w =  [20  5]

    Dot Product multiplication:

    Code: Python code to explain Dot Product Multiplication

    import numpy as np
    import math
    v = np.array([2, 1])
    s = np.array([3, -2])
    d =, s)


    Here, dot product can also be received using the ‘@’ operator.

    d = v@s

    Output :


    Cross Product:

    Code: Python code explaining Cross Product

    import numpy as np
    import math
    v = np.array([4, 9, 12])
    s = np.array([21, 32, 44])
    r = np.cross(v, s)



    [ 12  76 -61]