NXP Interview Experience for WIT Program 2024

Round 1: Aptitude Test

The first step in the interview process was an aptitude test. It included both academic-based questions and general inquiries about my interest in the program. Despite feeling nervous, I managed to perform well and was selected to proceed to the next round.


  • Prepare for both academic and general questions.
  • Stay confident and focused during the test.

Round 2: Group Discussion and HR Round

In the group discussion round, the topic was “Management by the Government of India during the COVID-19 times.” I took the initiative and actively participated in the discussion, which seemed to impress the interviewer. Additionally, during the HR round, I was asked about my background, experiences in college, and teamwork skills.


  • Dress professionally to make a good impression.
  • Take initiative in group discussions and ensure active participation.
  • Be prepared to answer questions about your background and teamwork experiences.

Round 3: Technical Questions

Given my computer science background, I faced technical questions related to the industry. Additionally, there were general questions about the company and my experiences in college.


  • Brush up on technical concepts related to your field.
  • Research the company to answer questions confidently.


After a week of waiting, I received the exciting news that I had been selected for the program. Despite initial nervousness, I managed to successfully navigate through the interview process and secure my spot in the program. This experience marked a significant milestone in my journey, as it was my first industry interview.


  • Stay patient during the waiting period after the interview.
  • Celebrate your achievements and use this experience to boost your confidence for future interviews.