Occupational Safety : Meaning, Purpose, Importance and Components

People spend about half of their time in their workplace. So, workplace safety is very necessary. Proper rules and policies are required to maintain it. It not only protects employees of any organisation but also saves people living in the nearby environment.

What is Occupational Safety?

Occupational Safety means designing some rules and protocols that aim to reduce work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths that are associated with their job responsibilities. The main purpose of environmental safety is to secure employees from physical, biological, chemical, psychological, and Ergonomic hazards and improve the quality of life of workers.

  • Physical biohazards like machinery, fire, electricity, noise, etc.
  • Chemical biohazards like dust, gases, fumes, etc.
  • Biological biohazards like insects, bacteria, viruses, etc.
  • Ergonomic biohazards like stress, bad posture, manual handling, etc.
  • Psychological biohazards like bullying, discrimination, violence, etc.

Table of Content

  • Purpose of Occupational Safety
  • Importance of Occupational Safety
  • Main Parts of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)
  • Components of Occupational Safety
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Purpose of Occupational Safety

1. Protection of Workers: The primary purpose of occupational safety is to protect the workers by setting some basic rules and regulations. These safety standards help in preventing accidents, injuries, illnesses, and deaths in the workplace.

2. Minimise Loss: In the case of any senior official getting injured due to bad safety standards then it will be a big loss for the company. But good occupational safety prevents accidents or injuries. In this way, it minimises loss for the company.

3. Talent Retention: It will also help in retaining good talents because skilled and educated people want to work in a safe environment rather than an unhealthy or unsafe workplace.

4. Reputation Building: Prioritising good safety standards helps build a good reputation for the company. Because it creates a positive and cooperative safety culture and climate in the organisation. Companies with robust safety practices are viewed favourably by everyone.

5. Employer’s Well-being: It will enhance the morale, satisfaction, and motivation of employees if they know that they are safe in their workplace which will lead to an increase in productivity, efficiency, and quality of work and services.

6. Legal and Ethical Obligations: There are legal requirements according to laws like the Occupational Safety Act and labour laws that the workplace should follow the safety standards set in these acts. If any organisation doesn’t follow them, then they can have legal and ethical problems.

Importance of Occupational Safety

1. Reducing Accidents and Injuries: A well-developed occupational safety program first identifies the areas of risk where accidents or injuries occur and then finds ways to prevent them. It not only protects employees but minimises the financial and operational impact on the organisation.

2. Legal Compliance: Following all the safety regulations is a good practice because it will save you from all legal consequences like fines or sanctions. But if the company fails to follow safety standards it will not only have legal problems but it will also affect the health of employees.

3. Enhancing Productivity: If the employees feel secure in the workplace they are more like to work perfectly without any kind of distraction thus it will promote their productivity.

4. Boosting Employee Morale: When the employees know that their safety is the priority of the company, it will boost their confidence and morale towards work. It will also contribute to a sense of loyalty and job satisfaction among workers.

Main Parts of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety)

I. Occupational Safety

This part of occupational safety focuses mainly on keeping the employees safe from accidents, injuries, chemical hazards etc.

  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: This includes understanding the potential risks and hazards in the workplace and finding ways to prevent and reduce them to create a safe environment.
  • Safety Training: It means providing safety training which may include providing knowledge about safety measures, and safe ways to use equipment, to enhance their ability to work safely.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Developing and practising serious emergency plans like fire burnout or chemical spills so employees can protect themselves in any situation.

II. Occupational Health

It works on maintaining good physical and mental health of employees in their workplace for their well-being.

  • Medical Screening: It includes, conducting medical examinations in organisations to assess fitness for specific job roles and identify potential health risks.
  • Health Promotion: Implementing programs to enhance overall health, including wellness initiatives, ergonomic improvements, and stress management.

III. Occupational Hygiene

It includes assessment of workplace factors such as cleanliness, and structure which may affect the health and well-being of workers.

  • Exposure Monitoring: This means monitoring the workers during their exposure to various physical and chemical agents, such as noise, dust, or toxic substances.
  • Control Measures: Implementing measures to control and reduce exposure, including ventilation systems, personal protective equipment, and engineering controls.

IV. Occupational Medicine

It refers to offering, free medical consultation, preventing and dealing with treatment of work-related diseases and injuries.

  • Medical Consultation: It includes providing medical professionals to employers and employees to provide medical advice and consultation regarding any health issues which are caused in the workplace.
  • Injury Management: It means proper management of work-related injuries, knowing reasons taking preventive measures, providing treatment and facilitating return to work programs.

Components of Occupational Safety

1. Planning: The first task is to properly plan. Planning is process of setting a goal and making a path to achieving it. You can plan how can you reduce injuries, promote hygienic places, good utilisation of resources while following the standards and laws of the OHS Act. It is an act made to ensure the safety of workers.

2. Incident Reporting: It involves recording and reporting an accident if occurs unfortunately, accidents like injuries, illnesses, near misses, hazards, or complaints. It is important to provide information to the company about, and incident so that they can they corrective or preventive measures to avoid it.

3. User Friendly Interface: The design of the OHS system should be user friendly, so that everyone accessing it, whether it is employee, employer or stakeholder easily understand it. Its design and functionality should be simple, whether on paper or software based.

4. Training: It involves providing education and training to the employees about the rules and regulations of the OHS system. With proper education, they will understand the importance of rules and follow them. Training can be given through various methods like classrooms, workshops or compulsory online courses etc.

5. Certification: It involves getting a verification check of OHS standards and measures of your workplace from external body and receiving a certificate related to OHS standards. This certificate proves that your workplace meets the requirements of safety standards. It is not must, but it is good because it increases the trust of employees on the organisation and they will feel more safe working in risk free organisation.

6. Adaptation and Convenient System: OHS system should be made adaptable according to needs because in future, new technology and devices can be used. So it should be designed in way, that it can adapt with time to expectations of organisation and regulations. A convenient OHS system should also be efficient and cost-effective, saving time and resources for the organisation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the primary objective of Occupational Safety and Health?

The main aim is to avoid or prevent workplace injuries and illnesses, safeguarding the welfare of employees.

2. How does Occupational Safety help in cost savings for businesses?

By minimising costs related to accidents, including medical expenses, compensation claims, and insurance premiums.

3. Why is comprehensive employee training important for Occupational Safety?

Training provides employees with the expertise and abilities to recognise and prevent workplace hazards.

4. How does a focus on Occupational Safety contribute to a company’s position or ranking?

Prioritising safety cultivates trust, elevates corporate image, and attracts top-tier talent.

5. What is the importance of emergency response planning in Occupational Safety?

It ensures a rapid and efficient reaction to unforeseen incidents, shielding both employees and the organisation.