Odoo Interview Experience For Software Developer

Coding Test:

This was an online coding test with two questions, and it could be given from anywhere. There were language constraints, as only Python and Java were allowed on the Coderbyte platform. The questions were quite repetitive and easily found online. If you solved both questions, you were likely to be called for an interview. However, you might have to wait until they gathered a good number of students and scheduled further rounds at their Gandhinagar office.

Round 1 [Technical]:

This round had two questions: one on DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) and another on database design and queries. If you weren’t comfortable with the given programming languages, you could ask to use your local compiler. The DSA question was logically easy to understand but lengthy. If you had good practice in database design, you would find the second question manageable. If you solved both questions within an hour, you would be eligible for the next round; otherwise, you might be asked to leave.

Round 2 [Aptitude and Verbal Assessment]:

There were two separate tests: one for aptitude and one for verbal skills. These assessments were important because there was a cutoff, and if your score wasn’t satisfactory, you wouldn’t progress to the next round. The aptitude questions ranged from easy to medium difficulty but included many MCQs. The verbal test included email writing, HR-based questions, and other verbal assessments.

Round 3 [Technical + HR]:

In this round, they first asked me to simplify the code I had written in the first round. I had used my local IDE, so the interviewer checked for different edge cases and then asked me to improve the readability. I did this by creating functions and removing unnecessary conditions. Next, they asked about DBMS, including normalization and some queries related to the first-round question. Finally, they asked some HR questions, like my language preference. Immediately after this, they informed me that I was selected.


Company Condition: If you accept the Internship + Employment Programme, you are not allowed to leave the company for at least 1.6 years.

To the best of my knowledge, there is no bond system, but if you leave the company before this period, they will not provide you with an internship certificate. So, make your decision accordingly.