Office Tools and Domain Specific Tools

Application Software

An application software is a set of programs required by the user to perform specific application or task. These are the software, dedicated to performing a simple and single tasks.
Example: An application package for managing library known as library information system is used to manage information of library such as: keeping book details, account holder details, book issue details, book return details etc.
Application software can be broadly classified into two types:

  1. Generalized packages
  2. Customized packages

1. General Purpose Application Software
Some of the application software are made for the common users for day to day applications and are also referred to as Office Tools. These are user friendly software written to cater the general needs of users such as preparing documents, drawing pictures, database to manage data/information, preparing presentations, play games etc. Some of the popular general purpose application software are :

  • Word Processor:
    Word processor is a general purpose application software used to create documents. It allows the users to create, edit and format documents. We can use different types of fonts of various sizes can be used to underline or bold a certain part of the text. Cliparts and other graphics can be added into the documents to make them more attractive and user friendly.
    Word processor can be used for various other uses like writing a simple document to designing special art effects. Word processor can also be used to design posters by attaching different images with different shapes and colors.
    Examples: WordPerfect, MS-Word, OpenOffice Writer.
  • Presentation Tools:
    Presentation tools is a general purpose application software that enables users to create presentations on any topic. Users can create a presentation and add slides into it and can also use different types of background, fonts, animations, audio, video, etc. Even audio video files can be added on to the presentations.
    Examples: Presentation Graphics, Impress (open office) and Microsoft Power Point.
  • Spreadsheet Packages:
    Spreadsheet is a general purpose application software that provides users with a functionality to create and store data in tabular form. Both text and numerical values can be entered in that tables known as a spreadsheet. Users can not only create a document and add data into that but also can create different types of charts and graphs
    based upon the numerical data stored in that page. All common mathematical and statistical formulae can be used on the numeric data.
    Examples: Calc (Open Office), Microsoft Excel, Lotus Smart suites, Apple Numbers
  • Database Management System:
    Database Management System is general purpose application software that enables the users to create computer programs that control the creation, maintenance, and the use of database for an organization and its end users. The users can store and manage, import and export the data to many formats including Excel, Outlook, ASCII, dBase, FoxPro, Oracle, SQL Server, ODBC, etc.
    Examples: Base (Open Office), Microsoft Access, MS-SQL Server, ORACLE

2. Customized Software
Customized Softwares are developed to meet the specific requirements of an organization/institution. These type of softwares are made in accordance to customer specifications and so are also referred as Domain Specific Tools. The Customised packages are developed using high-level computer languages. Such software cannot be installed and used by more than one organisation, since the requirements may differ. Various types of customized softwares are:

  • Inventory Management System & Purchasing System:
    Inventory Management System is generally used in shopping marts, departmental stores or other shopping based organizations to keep the record of the stock of all the physical resources.
    Example: Purchase management system of a computer shop keeps the availability record of the number of computers, printers, printing sheet, printer cartridges etc. It also stores the sale of all the products to increase the accountability. It also helps to place purchase orders, bills, invoices etc. Various reports as to position of stock, sales made in a particular period, profit earned etc. can be generated.
  • School Management System:
    School Management System is a system that manages all of a school’s data in a single, integrated application. Having all of the information in a single system allows schools to more easily connect data together.
    Example: By viewing the student record, the user can follow a link to the student’s class, and from there a link to the student’s teacher, and from there a link to the teacher’s other classes, and so on.
  • Payroll System:
    Payroll Management System software is used by all modern organizations to keep track of employees of the organization who receives salary from the organization. All different payment amounts are calculated by the payroll software and the record is maintained. The software keeps track of personal records of employees like name, address, date of birth, qualification, date of joining etc. It also keeps track of professional record like allowances, perks, income tax, insurance etc. Different reports, pay slips etc can be generated through this software.
  • Hotel Management:
    Hotel management software refers to management techniques used in the hospitality sector. These can include hotel administration, accounts, billing, marketing, housekeeping, front office or front desk, food and beverage management, catering and maintenance. Even advance bookings can be made through this software. At any moment the availability of a hotel room, tariff for every category of room and even booking status can be checked.
  • Reservation System:
    Reservation System software is used to book flight tickets, train seats, movie tickets, table in a restaurant, etc. In the case of a booking system, the inputs are booking requests. The processing involves checking if bookings are possible and vacancy can be created, and if there is a space, bookings can be made. The outputs are either the booking confirmations or the rejections in case of unavailability.