One97(Paytm) Interview Experience

Written 1: Technical and Aptitude.
Written 2: Written Coding

  • Written 1 was Normal Written exam based on fundamentals of Aptitude and Computer Science.
  • Written 2:
    Few Questions I remembered :


         char a;
         int i = 300;
         a = &i;


     Imagine you have a special keyboard with the following keys:

    where CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+V each acts as one function key for “Select All”, “Copy”, and “Paste” operations respectively.
    If you can only press the keyboard for N times (with the above four keys), please write a program to produce maximum numbers of A. If possible, please also print out the sequence of keys.
    That is to say, the input parameter is N (No. of keys that you can press), the output is M (No. of As that you can produce).

    Q3: Consider a Binary Tree not necessarily BST, Remove all nodes which don’t lie in any path with sum>= k.

    Q4: Given an array arrange it in the form a<b>c<d>e<f>g……….

    Q5: Given an array of numbers arrange it in the form of a single number such that the concluded number is
    the maximum.
    e.g. given : 99, 8, 76, 45, 66, 9, 7, 33, 5, 42
    O/P : 99987766654233

    Sectional Cut-off for O/P and Coding Questions.
    Marking was done against the correct approach, not the exact answers.

  • Round 1 (Technical):
    Q1: How will you store 800 Million records in database.
    Q2: Data storage of double and float differs in C/C++ and Java How is it ???
    Q2: Transfer data between a program written in Java and C#.
    Q3: I need to establish a network in which I will be sure of security, How will you proceed
    Q4: A and B are two sets Write a non-nested query so that I can get the data in B but not in A.
    Q5: 000…………..? 11111111111111111111…………….? Write a Program which finds the index of the
    start of series 11111111…..?.

  • Round 2 (Technical):
    Q1: Give your introduction along with your technical skills.
    Q2: Explain your project “Stock Prediction”
    Q3: I want to retrieve records from a table from date 1 – 15. I don’t want to use range Queries
    Suggest optimal solutions…
    I suggest Indexing on the date column.
    He insisted on alternate ways.
    “he said what you think you can do……”
    Q4: What is Unique and NULL Constraint?
    Difference between Primary Key and Unique.
    How many maximum records in Unique can be NULL?
    Q5: Write the Most optimized algorithm for finding a Word in the sentence.
    (I used the Trie approach, he scolded me for not asking the sentence is sorted or not. the used Binary search.)
    Q6: Difference between thread and process.
    What is PCB?
    What is synchronization ??
    What is Semaphore?
    Explain and solve the Producer-Consumer Problem using Semaphore? What is Drawback here
    What is the monitor? Solve Producer-Consumer Problem using Monitor and explain the pros and cons.

    Final 8 candidates from Delhi region selected.

  • Round 3(Final Round Managerial and Technical):
    Q1: What you want to do in your Life ?? Discussion life as a placement coordinator?
    What you did ? your duties? differences you made …
    Q2: Doing Post Market Analysis of a Stock Market of Previous Month.
    Write a Program of Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit.
    Q3: Explain Cursor ? its types? differences between them? What to use when?
    Q4: Explain Matrix? Matrix Multiplication? Difference ways of Matrix Multiplication? Explain Both.
    Q5: What are you doing right now ??? will you join us ?? Why ??

Students from 30 Colleges of India are evaluated and Top 25 are offered the JOB.

I was not one of them.

All Practice Problems for Paytm !