Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(left)

Popovers are used to notify the user about what notes a user should know before he proceeds further. It can also be used as a notification, like supposing the user has no idea what is going on in any particular section, then this popover can help or guide him/her.

Onsen UI CSS Component offers us to create a self-designed popover. There are a lot of popovers here in this article we will create a left popover.

Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(left) Classes:

  • popover-mask: This class is used to set a gray background effect so the default white popover can be visible.*
  • popover: This class is used to create a popover interface.*
  • popover–left: This class is used to place the popover at the left
  • popover__arrow: This class is used to display the arrow-shaped diagram for the popover.*
  • popover–left__arrow: This class is used to rotate the arrow-shaped diagram to the left face.
  • popover__content: This class is used to place the content area of the popover.*
  • popover–left__content: This class is used to place the content area at the left of the popover.

Note: The * marked classes are used in all popovers.


<div class="popover-mask"></div>
<div class="popover popover--left" style="...">
 <div class="popover__arrow popover--left" style="..."></div>
 <div class="popover__content popover--left">
   <div style="...">...</div>

Example 1: In this example we will create a popover text, here we create a left popover basically.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Onsen UI CSS Component Popover</title>
   <!-- CDN links of Onsen UI library -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" 
   <link rel="stylesheet" 
   <script src=
       <h2 style="color: green;">
           Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(Left)
       <div class="popover-mask"></div>
       <div class="popover popover--left" 
            style="top: 150px;left: 200px;">
            <div class="popover__arrow popover--left__arrow" 
                 style="top: 25px;">
            <div class="popover__content popover--left__content">
                <div style="text-align: center; 
                            opacity: 0.8; margin: 15px">
                    A Computer Science Portal for Beginner


Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(left)

Example 2: Here in this example, we will create a conversation-type left popover, like two friends are having a conversation.


<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Onsen UI CSS Component Popover</title>
   <!-- CDN links of Onsen UI library -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" 
   <link rel="stylesheet" 
   <script src=
       <h2 style="color: green;">
           Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(Left)
       <div class="popover-mask"></div>
       <div class="popover popover--left" 
            style="top: 150px;left: 200px;">
            <div class="popover__arrow popover--left__arrow" 
                style="top: 25px;">
            <div class="popover__content popover--left__content">
                <div style="text-align: center; 
                            opacity: 0.8; margin: 15px">
                    Bro I am tensed about the placement
       <div class="popover popover--left" 
            style="bottom: 400px; left: 460px;">
            <!-- Using the right arrow for better look -->
            <div class="popover__arrow popover--right__arrow" 
                style="top: 25px;">
            <div class="popover__content popover--left__content">
                <div style="text-align: center; 
                            opacity: 0.8; margin: 15px">
                    GFG karlo, ho jayega It's the best platform


Onsen UI CSS Component Popover(left)

Reference: https://onsen.io/v2/api/css.html#popover-category