Operation Name in GraphQL

In GraphQL, the operation name is a label that we attach to requests sent to servers which acts as an indication of code complexity. This allows us to define queries, mutations, and subscriptions to improve code readability and organize in particular when it comes to large projects making it easier to access and manage it.

In this article, We will learn about Operation Name in GraphQL, its need, How to Define Operation Names with examples,, and so on.

What is Operation Name?

  • GraphQL is a widely used API query language that enables developers to obtain data from their clients’ applications by specifying data-driven operations, which makes it easy for them to define and also provides control over these operations.
  • The operation name is a GraphQL user-defined, useful label indicating which type of operations are included in the document.
  • Naming operation with a unique name makes it easier for developers to track errors effectively while debugging large codebases by identifying a related error.
  • In scenarios where multiple queries and mutations are present in one document, the practice of assigning unique names to each operation is particularly useful.
  • An optional string that clients can use to refer to the operation they are performing is provided by the operation in GraphQL.data-driven.

Why Use Operation Names?

  • Operating with GraphQL without naming our operations can lead to confusion and ambiguity in some cases.
  • Along with operation names, GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscription requests are labeled to improve the clarity of our codebase.
  • These names are essential for the debugging, writing and tracking of bugs that require monitoring on a server.
  • Operation names makes it easier to read and maintain our code, especially in large projects with a lot of activities.


Before delving into Operation Name in GraphQL, everyone must understand some basic terms. Let’s have a quick rundown of the important key points so you can follow along easily.

  • Operation: It is an operation where a client either needs to query, mutate (to update) or mainly subscribe (to involve in the listening) of the data.
  • Queries: This greatly facilitates the creation of web applications by simplifying the process of requesting information from the server. They are akin to reading or fetching data and don’t cause any modification.
  • Mutation: These actions are performed to refresh or alter data on the server. If queries are just reading data and mutations are rewriting or altering data.
  • Subscription: It gives real-time updating in GraphQL and it permits clients to get notifications continuously from the server when they are exposed to the specific events or data changes.

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s dive into the world of Operation Names and see how they play a role in queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

How to Define Operation Names?

Defining an operation name in GraphQL is simple but requires careful consideration. After specifying the operation type (query, mutation, or subscription), we add our chosen name. This makes each operation in our code clear and easy to distinguish.

Here’s how to define an operation name in GraphQL:

  1. Start by selecting the desired operation type: query, mutation, or subscription.
  2. After the operation type, add a descriptive and meaningful name.
  3. Enclose the operation name in curly brackets to distinguish it from the rest of the operation.

Here’s an example of how to define an operation name in GraphQL:

query GetUserDetails {
user(id: "123") {

By following these steps, we’ve defined an operation name, “GetUserDetails,” for the GraphQL query, making it easily identifiable within a document.

GraphQL has three types of operations: queries, mutations and subscriptions. Let’s understand one-by-one.

1. Query

  • To retrieve data from the server based on the conditiona specified by the developer, GraphQL Queries are required.
  • When speaking of comparisons for queries one can think of themselves in a library displaying a need for a particular book that a librarian can find.
  • Just like in this case, GraphQL queries enable developers to obtain just the needed data from the server.
  • In the query, developers describe data they need and a server responds to them, delivering just what they are looking for.

Let’s take an example :

query getQuoteByUser {
quote(by: "4232") {


"data": {
"quote": {
"name": "If it works don't touch it",
"by": "User 4232"

Output Screenshot

In this query, “GetUserDetails” serves as the Operation Name, providing context and clarity to the purpose of the query.

2. Mutation

  • Mutations in GraphQL serve the purpose of modifying data on the server.
  • While queries are similar to requests for information, mutations require that the server be instructed to modify or update any changes.
  • Going further with our library analogy, mutations can be compared to asking the librarian to reserve a book for us.
  • Mutations are used in GraphQL when you need to add, update or remove data from your server.

Let’s take an example :

mutation createUser($userNew: UserInput!) {
signupUserDummy(userNew: $userNew) {


"data": {
"signupUserDummy": {
"id": "c938bd98d6",
"email": "sdsad@sd.com",
"firstName": "navin",
"lastName": "ssd"

Output Screenshot

In this mutation, “AddNewUser” acts as the Operation Name, aiding in identifying and distinguishing this specific mutation operation.

3. Subscriptions

  • The GraphQL subscriptions bridge the gap between the server and the client and establish real-time data updates.
  • They are capable of serving you with an uninterrupted stream of data as if you were talking with the server in real time.
  • Subscription allows the server to send data in real time to the client rather than waiting for query and mutation to be invoked implicitly.
  • When it is necessary to quickly deliver brief news updates on a regular basis then subscriptions are an excellent choice.

Let’s take an example:

subscription watchOperations {
operationFinished {

mutation scheduleOperation($name: String!) {
scheduleOperation(name: $name)


"data": {
"operationFinished": {
"endDate": "Wed, Jan 04 2023",
"name": "Test name!"

Output Screenshot

In this subscription, the subscription watchOperations listens for notifications when operations are finished, while the mutation scheduleOperation allows you to schedule new operations by providing a name.


In conclusion, Operation Names in GraphQL play the essential role of identifying labels for our interactions with server. They play the role of supervisors and administrators of our queries, mutations and subscriptions, which leaeds to overall increased code-readability and organization. The Operation Names feature empowers a developer with a well furnished tool for error tracing, speedy debugging and operating on code. It goes beyond the mere matter of naming conventions; it also simplifies and assists in communication between the server and the developers.