Operator Associativity in Programming

Operator associative refers to the order in which operators of the same precedence are used in a word. In a programming language, it is important to understand the interactions between operators to properly define and test expressions. In this article, we will discuss operator associativity in programming.

Table of Content

  • Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
  • Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
  • Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
  • Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
  • Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
  • Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
  • Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
  • Operator Associativity in C
  • Operator Associativity in C++
  • Operator Associativity in Java
  • Operator Associativity in Python
  • Operator Associativity in C#
  • Operator Associativity in Javascript

Here is a table illustrating the Operator Associativity in Programming:




Left to right


Left to right


Left to Right


Right to Left


Left to Right

Conditional (Ternary)

Right to Left


Right to Left

Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators:

Mathematical operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and parameter (%), are usually symmetrical from left to right. This means that if there are multiple preceding functions in an expression, the processing is done from left to right.

int result = 5 + 3 * 2; // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))

In the expression `5 + 3 * 2`, multiplication (*) including left-right association, takes higher priority and is considered first. So, `3 * 2` is `6`. The addition (+) is then performed, resulting in `5 + 6`, which equals `11`. This arrangement ensures that actions flow from left to right, mirroring the natural reading pattern. Left to right associations remain consistent, ensuring terms are evaluated as predicted without the need for clear parentheses to indicate the order Overall, it ensures clarity and simplicity in mathematical terms by an implicit sequence of activities based on the location of operators in a word.

Operator Associativity in Relational Operators:

Relational operators, like equality (==), inequality (!=), greater than (>), and less than (<), usually have left-to-right associativity as well.

boolean condition = 2 < 5 == true; // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == true)

In the case of relational expressions such as `2 < 5 == true`, the left-to-right association implies a left-to-right evaluation. So, they first check `2 < 5`, get `true`, then evaluate `true == true`, resulting in `true`. This chart ensures accuracy when comparing values ​​from left to right, and reflects a natural reading pattern. Left-to-right associations provide clarity by describing predictable behavioral patterns, conforming to observable expectations, and facilitating lexical analysis without the need for explicit parentheses and therefore `conditioning ` for `true`, which means that `2` is indeed less than `5`, and `true` is `true` It is equivalent.

Operator Associativity in Logical Operators:

Logical operators, including AND (&&) and OR (||), often exhibit left-to-right associativity.

bool_result = True or False and True # bool_result will be True (True or (False and True))

In logical terms such as `True or False and True`, a left-to-right association implies a left-to-right evaluation. Thus, `false and true` is the first analysis, which leads to `false`. A `true or false` evaluation is then performed, resulting in a `true` result. This process mirrors the natural reading process and ensures that logical positions are consistently explored from left to right. Left-to-right association provides clarity by defining a predictable order of execution, facilitates word analysis without the need for explicit parentheses. As a result, `bool_result` is assigned `True`, indicating that the first condition is true or the second condition evaluates to true.

Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators:

Assignment operators, like the simple assignment (=) and compound assignments (e.g., +=), typically have right-to-left associativity.

int a, b;

a = b = 5; // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)

In applications like `a = b = 5`, the right-to-left association implies right-to-left analysis. As a result, the value `5` (`b = 5`) is first assigned to `b`, followed by the value `b` (`a = b`). This sequence ensures that `a` and `b` end up with the same value `5`. The right-to-left association simplifies the usage case by specifying an explicit usage pattern without the need for explicit parentheses, making the code readable and simple and thus providing `5` both `a` and `b`, making it a shorter and more efficient chaining function.

Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators:

Bitwise operators, such as AND (&), OR (|), and XOR (^), usually have left-to-right associativity.

let result = 1 | 2 & 3; // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))

`1 | 2 & 3`, left-to-right association versus left-to-right analysis. Thus, `2 & 3` are considered first, and `2` is the result. Then, `1 | 2` is evaluated, resulting in `3`. Left-to-right association ensures consistent analysis of bitwise functions while providing clarity in reference semantics. This association simplifies Bitwiz vocabulary by providing an explicit sequence of functions without the need for explicit parentheses. Consequently, a `result` is assigned to `3`, indicating a bitwise OR operation between `1` and `2`, after a bitwise AND operation between `2` and `3`.

Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator:

The conditional operator (?:) has right-to-left associativity.

let max = (a > b) ? a : b; // max will be the greater of a and b

The conditional function `(a > b) ? a : b`, right-to-left association versus right-to-left analysis. Consequently, if `a` is greater than `b`, then `a` is chosen; otherwise `b` is selected. Right-to-left association simplifies conditional terminology, and suggests a clear order of operation without the need for explicit parentheses. This association ensures that the conditional term is correctly evaluated, whereby the condition is first evaluated, followed by the selection of `a` or `b` depending on the condition and thus the `max` value of a higher between `a` and ` b`, in order to provide for shortened appointments Effective and conditional appointments.

Operator Associativity in Unary Operators:

Unary operators, like negation (-) and logical NOT (!), often have right-to-left associativity.

result = -(-5); # result will be 5 (-(-5))

In single expressions such as `-(-5)`, the right-to-left association implies right-to-left analysis. Initially, the internal negation `-5` is computed, resulting in `-(-5)` equal to `5`. Right-to-left association ensures that external negation acts on the consequences of internal negation. As a result, `-(-5)` evaluates to `5`, indicating that a negation is rejected. This association simplifies single terms and indicates a clear sequence of functions without the need for explicit parentheses. Thus, the resulting value is `5`, because the outer negation eventually negates the result, resulting in the original value

Operator Associativity in C:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in C language:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    // Introduction to Operator Associativity
    // No code example for introduction

    // Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
    int result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2;  // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))
    // Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
    int condition_relational = 2 < 5 == 1;  // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == 1)
    // Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
    int bool_result_logical = 1 || 0 && 1;  // bool_result will be true (1 || (0 && 1))
    // Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
    int a = 0, b = 0;
    a = b = 5;  // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)
    // Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
    int result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3;  // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))
    // Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
    int max_value = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max_value will be the greater of a and b
    // Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
    int result_unary = -(-5);  // result will be 5 (-(-5))
    // Print results
    printf("Arithmetic Operators: %d\n", result_arithmetic);
    printf("Relational Operators: %d\n", condition_relational);
    printf("Logical Operators: %d\n", bool_result_logical);
    printf("Assignment Operators: %d %d\n", a, b);
    printf("Bitwise Operators: %d\n", result_bitwise);
    printf("Ternary Operator: %d\n", max_value);
    printf("Unary Operators: %d\n", result_unary);

    return 0;

Arithmetic Operators: 11
Relational Operators: 1
Logical Operators: 1
Assignment Operators: 5 5
Bitwise Operators: 3
Ternary Operator: 5
Unary Operators: 5

Operator Associativity in C++:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in C++ language:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Introduction to Operator Associativity
    // No code example for introduction

    // Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
    int result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2;  // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))
    // Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
    int condition_relational = 2 < 5 == 1;  // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == 1)
    // Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
    int bool_result_logical = 1 || 0 && 1;  // bool_result will be true (1 || (0 && 1))
    // Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
    int a = 0, b = 0;
    a = b = 5;  // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)
    // Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
    int result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3;  // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))
    // Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
    int max_value = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max_value will be the greater of a and b
    // Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
    int result_unary = -(-5);  // result will be 5 (-(-5))
    // Print results
    cout << "Arithmetic Operators: " << result_arithmetic << endl;
    cout << "Relational Operators: " << condition_relational << endl;
    cout << "Logical Operators: " << bool_result_logical << endl;
    cout << "Assignment Operators: " << a << " " << b << endl;
    cout << "Bitwise Operators: " << result_bitwise << endl;
    cout << "Ternary Operator: " << max_value << endl;
    cout << "Unary Operators: " << result_unary << endl;

    return 0;

Arithmetic Operators: 11
Relational Operators: 1
Logical Operators: 1
Assignment Operators: 5 5
Bitwise Operators: 3
Ternary Operator: 5
Unary Operators: 5

Operator Associativity in Java:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in java language:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Introduction to Operator Associativity
        // No code example for introduction

        // Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
        int result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2;  // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))
        // Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
        boolean condition_relational = 2 < 5 == true;  // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == true)
        // Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
        boolean bool_result_logical = true || false && true;  // bool_result will be true (true || (false && true))
        // Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
        int a = 0, b = 0;
        a = b = 5;  // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)
        // Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
        int result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3;  // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))
        // Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
        int max_value = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max_value will be the greater of a and b
        // Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
        int result_unary = -(-5);  // result will be 5 (-(-5))
        // Print results
        System.out.println("Arithmetic Operators: " + result_arithmetic);
        System.out.println("Relational Operators: " + condition_relational);
        System.out.println("Logical Operators: " + bool_result_logical);
        System.out.println("Assignment Operators: " + a + " " + b);
        System.out.println("Bitwise Operators: " + result_bitwise);
        System.out.println("Ternary Operator: " + max_value);
        System.out.println("Unary Operators: " + result_unary);

Arithmetic Operators: 11
Relational Operators: true
Logical Operators: true
Assignment Operators: 5 5
Bitwise Operators: 3
Ternary Operator: 5
Unary Operators: 5

Operator Associativity in Python:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in python language:

# Introduction to Operator Associativity
# No code example for introduction

# Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2  # result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))

# Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
condition_relational = 2 < 5 == True  # condition will be true ((2 < 5) == True)

# Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
bool_result_logical = True or False and True  # bool_result will be true (True or (False and True))

# Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
a = b = 5  # Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)

# Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3  # result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))

# Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
max_value = a if a > b else b  # max_value will be the greater of a and b

# Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
result_unary = -(-5)  # result will be 5 (-(-5))

# Print results
print("Arithmetic Operators:", result_arithmetic)
print("Relational Operators:", condition_relational)
print("Logical Operators:", bool_result_logical)
print("Assignment Operators:", a, b)
print("Bitwise Operators:", result_bitwise)
print("Ternary Operator:", max_value)
print("Unary Operators:", result_unary)

('Arithmetic Operators:', 11)
('Relational Operators:', False)
('Logical Operators:', True)
('Assignment Operators:', 5, 5)
('Bitwise Operators:', 3)
('Ternary Operator:', 5)
('Unary Operators:', 5)

Operator Associativity in C#:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in C# language:

using System;

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        // Introduction to Operator Associativity
        // No code example for introduction

        // Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
        int result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2;  // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))
        // Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
        bool condition_relational = 2 < 5 == true;  // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == true)
        // Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
        bool bool_result_logical = true || false && true;  // bool_result will be true (true || (false && true))
        // Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
        int a = 0, b = 0;
        a = b = 5;  // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)
        // Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
        int result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3;  // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))
        // Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
        int max_value = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max_value will be the greater of a and b
        // Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
        int result_unary = -(-5);  // result will be 5 (-(-5))
        // Print results
        Console.WriteLine("Arithmetic Operators: " + result_arithmetic);
        Console.WriteLine("Relational Operators: " + condition_relational);
        Console.WriteLine("Logical Operators: " + bool_result_logical);
        Console.WriteLine("Assignment Operators: " + a + " " + b);
        Console.WriteLine("Bitwise Operators: " + result_bitwise);
        Console.WriteLine("Ternary Operator: " + max_value);
        Console.WriteLine("Unary Operators: " + result_unary);

Arithmetic Operators: 11
Relational Operators: True
Logical Operators: True
Assignment Operators: 5 5
Bitwise Operators: 3
Ternary Operator: 5
Unary Operators: 5

Operator Associativity in Javascript:

Here are the implementation of Operator Associativity in javascript language:

// Introduction to Operator Associativity
// No code example for introduction

// Operator Associativity in Arithmetic Operators
let result_arithmetic = 5 + 3 * 2;  // result will be 11 (5 + (3 * 2))

// Operator Associativity in Relational Operators
let condition_relational = 2 < 5 == true;  // condition will be true ((2 < 5) == true)

// Operator Associativity in Logical Operators
let bool_result_logical = true || false && true;  // bool_result will be true (true || (false && true))

// Operator Associativity in Assignment Operators
let a = 0, b = 0;
a = b = 5;  // Both a and b will be assigned the value 5 (b = 5, then a = b)

// Operator Associativity in Bitwise Operators
let result_bitwise = 1 | 2 & 3;  // result will be 3 (1 | (2 & 3))

// Operator Associativity in Conditional (Ternary) Operator
let max_value = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max_value will be the greater of a and b

// Operator Associativity in Unary Operators
let result_unary = -(-5);  // result will be 5 (-(-5))

// Print results
console.log("Arithmetic Operators:", result_arithmetic);
console.log("Relational Operators:", condition_relational);
console.log("Logical Operators:", bool_result_logical);
console.log("Assignment Operators:", a, b);
console.log("Bitwise Operators:", result_bitwise);
console.log("Ternary Operator:", max_value);
console.log("Unary Operators:", result_unary);

Arithmetic Operators: 11
Relational Operators: true
Logical Operators: true
Assignment Operators: 5 5
Bitwise Operators: 3
Ternary Operator: 5
Unary Operators: 5


Operator associativity determines the order in which operators of the same precedence are evaluated in an expression. In simple terms, it decides whether operators are evaluated from left to right or from right to left. This helps clarify the sequence of operations in complex expressions and ensures consistency in the behavior of operators.