OPPO Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Online Test:

  • Total 12 questions.
  • 10 MCQs on OS, Data structures and DBMS.
  • 2 coding questions.

Round 1: Coding 1 hour

He gave his introduction and then asked me for mine. Started with OS questions.

  • What is a kernel?
  • Difference between android OS and windows OS.
  • Explain to me some concepts of OS. He was not being specific hence I explained scheduling, deadlocks, and synchronisation.
  • He then asked if I could write a pseudo code and explain any one of the above concepts.
  • Asked to explain threads. Difference between processes and threads. 
  • Asked me if threads are so beneficial then why do we need processes?

Then he jumped to a coding question.

An image is given to me which can consist of 8 different colours denoted by 1 to 8. Each cell has a colour. I must print the colour which is occupying the most continuous area in the image.

  • Once I was done with the code, he asked me to run it and wanted an explanation for the same.
  • Do you have any questions for me?

Round 2: Technical and Coding 45 mins.

  • He asked me for my introduction.
  • I had 3 projects on my resume.
  • He asked about all 3 but mostly questions were asked about my IoT project. 
  • Challenges you faced.
  • Is there any flaw in my project and how can it be improved?
  • Can it be scaled and launched right now?
  • Then he gave me a coding question.
  • It was the longest palindromic substring.
  • I did the code then ran and gave an explanation to which he was satisfied.
  • Then he said so the location is Hyderabad are you okay with coming to Hyderabad?
  • Then he asked if I have any questions for him.

I asked about his role in the organization and then I got to know that he is the fourth founding member of OPPO R&D India.