OptionalInt of(int) method in Java with examples

The of(int) method help us to get an OptionalInt object which contains a int value which is passed as a parameter to this method.


public static OptionalInt of(int value)

Parameters: This method accepts a int value as parameter that will be set to the returned OptionalInt object.

Return value: This method returns an OptionalInt with the value present.

Below programs illustrate of(int) method:
Program 1:

// Java program to demonstrate
// OptionalInt.of(int) method
import java.util.OptionalInt;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a OptionalInt instance
        // using of() method
        OptionalInt opInt
            = OptionalInt.of(452);
        // Get value of this OptionalInt instance
        System.out.println("OptionalInt: "
                           + opInt);


OptionalInt: OptionalInt[452]

Program 2:

// Java program to demonstrate
// OptionalInt.of(int) method
import java.util.OptionalInt;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a OptionalInt instance
        // using of() method
        OptionalInt opInt
            = OptionalInt.of(2149);
        // Get value of this OptionalInt instance
        System.out.println("OptionalInt: "
                           + opInt);


OptionalInt: OptionalInt[2149]

References: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/10/docs/api/java/util/OptionalInt.html#of(int)