Oracle – Company Overview, History, Products

Oracle is a computer technology-based, American multinational company that works worldwide. It is the third-largest software company by market capitalization. Its headquarter is in Austin, Texas, United States. More than 1,30,000 employees have been working in Oracle in the past year. They provide cloud-based and applications services, and it is one of their revenue models and services. Last year, they made more than 40 billion dollars in revenue as of 2021. A single oracle’s share price is now $72.78. Let’s get to know more about Oracle company like its history, products, etc. in this article. 

Oracle: History

Oracle is a technology-based company, that started on June 16, 1977. Initially, it was formed in Santa Clara, California, United States. Oracle was founded by Bob Miner, Ed Oates, and Larry Ellison. Currently, Safra Catz is the CEO of Oracle, Larry Ellison is the CTO and Executive Chairman, and on the other hand, the Vice-Chairman of Oracle is Jeff Henley. In December 2021, Oracle announced it would acquire Cerner, a company working on health and information technology. On the next day, they received the Federose as well. Oracle introduced Oracle Support to give users control of their database, middleware, and application access with an additional fee.

Oracle: Background

Oracle is a database management and cloud service providing company. It makes money by designing, managing, and by selling software and hardware. Oracle database software is the main product of this company. There are many competitors of Oracle available in the market; some of the big Giants are Google, Amazon Web service, and Microsoft. With this high competition, they have survived in this field for the last 45 years.

Larry Ellison has the most significant stake in Oracle, about 42.4%. Today Oracle’s share price is approximately 72.78 dollars. This company is also listed in India as the ninth biggest IT company in India. Worldwide, it ranks among the 253 positions. Compared to others, Oracle provides many better services with real-time cloud health features that you can check anytime.

Users will get many monitoring and managing tools such as Oracle Enterprise Manager and Oracle Management Cloud. Oracle Live SQL:- It is a cloud base service that provides access to the oracle database. Oracle Live SQL can be used to try multiple features of the Oracle 12c database.

Oracle: Products and Services

Currently, there are lots of products and services, which Oracle provides. Both software and hardware also offer services to them. They also added many new products to them after acquiring other companies. Oracle’s primary products and services are as follows:-


  • Database
  • Oracle Beehive
  • Application
  • Software development
  • Enterprise Management
  • File Systems
  • Operating System


  • Oracle Cloud
  • Financing
  • Marketing
  • Universities

Oracle helps with product upkeep, performance optimization, and new functionality optimization. This company belongs to new inventions and technologies. They are so invested in the new startups that have worked in different technology and innovations that can change the world. They have donated more than 19 million dollars to 7000 + diverse Workplaces in the name of sponsorships and donations. They have worked in 62 countries and made a vast network worldwide. Oracle’s share price has increased 60% in the past five years. As this is an American company, its most extensive user base is from America; about 45% of its users belong from the USA, and after that UK comes in for 6%. 


Many small sales and database companies rely on Oracle because of the funding. It has public cloud interference, and they try to provide quality products in the hardware-software category. Oracle Live SQL lets users create and practice against Oracle databases. Currently, there doesn’t focus on moving to the IT sector, but it continuously develops and increases its core product. They were trying to make products in large quantities that helped reduce the cost.