Oracle India Pvt Ltd Interview Experience for Full Stack Java Developer

Round 1(Online Assessment and Coding Challenge90 minutes): This assessment consisted of two different online programmatic sets of coding challenges and both are important and have to answer them.


  • Ability to identify problem types and apply conventionally known techniques to solve them.
  • Usage of optimal Data Structures for the problem statement
  • Demoable code
  • Functional Correctness and Completeness
  • Modularity and Extensibility
  • Good understanding of Java/ J2EE, Spring Boot, Restful Services & Webservices, Kubernetes, and PL/SQL (SQL is also ok)

     1. Java/ J2EE (Online Assessment 30 minutes): This section contains three different types of programmatic skills, and each one has a different set of questions.  Each Section has multiple choice question which needs to answer, and there is no negative marking.              

  • Java (12 MCQ): This assessment includes basic understanding of core java, which contain 12 multiple choice question and will need to complete in 12 minutes.


  • Basic Knowledge of java programming
  • Multithreading
  • Exception Handling
  • Inheritance
  • Java 8 Functionality
  • Overloading
  • J2EE(8 MCQ): This assessment includes a basic understanding of J2EE concepts, which contain 8 multiple choice questions and will need to complete within 8 minutes.


  • Java Servlets.
  • JavaServer Pages (JSP)
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
  • Java Message Service (JMS)
  • Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  • Restful Services & Webservices(12 MCQ): This assessment includes a basic understanding of Restful Services & Webservices concepts, which contain 12 multiple choice questions and will need to complete within 12 minutes.


  • Basic understanding of SOAP
  • Basic Understanding of Restful
  • Basic Understanding of JSON
  • Request Headers
  • Resources
  • Request Body
  • Response Status codes
  • POST,GET, PUT and DELETE  Method

   2. Oracle Coding Challenge (60 mins): This assignment contains two different sets of programming questions, which need to complete in 60 minutes.  Each one will be challenging, and need to choose the strategy to solve this problem wisely, as time is only 60 minutes.


  • How good is your algorithm, technique you apply to make the app faster, etc?
  • Scalability
  • Testability
  • Design patterns
  • Demoable code
  • Clear Separation of Concerns (Good Class Design)
  • Functional Correctness and Completeness
  • Readability
  • Modularity and Extensibility
  • Exception handling

Task 1: Girls in Tech Hackathon

  • Problem Statement:

        The Girl in Tech Hackathon is code-a-thon where developers, designers, scientists, students, entrepreneurs, and educators gather to collaborate on projects including applications, software, hardware, data visualization, and platform solutions. The Participants are sitting around the table, and they are numbered from team1 to team n in the clockwise direction. This means that the Participants are numbered 1,2, ..,n-1,n and participants 1 and n are sitting next to each other. After the Hackathon duration, judges started reviewing the performance of each participant. However, some participants have not finished the project. Each participant needs ti extra minute to complete their project. Judges started reviewing the projects sequentially in the clock direction, starting with team x, and it takes them exactly 1 minute to review each project. This means team x gets no extra time to work, whereas team x +1 gets 1 min more to work and so on. Even if the project is not completed by the participant, but still the judges spend 1 min to understand the idea and rank the participant.

  • Input Format:

         The first line contains a single positive integer, n, denoting the number of participants in the hackathon. Given the values of t1,t2, t3,… tn extra time requires by each participant to complete the project. You have to guide judges in selecting the best team x to start reviewing the project so that number of participants able to complete their project is maximal.

  • Output Format:
Print x on a new line. If there are multiple such teams, 
select the smallest one.
Sample Input:
1 0 0
Sample Output:


Class Test
    /* Read input from stdin and provide input before
     * running*/
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
        new InputStreamReader( String line
        = br.readLine();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        System.out.println(“Hello Word”);


Task 2: Stella and colorful tree

  • Problem Statement: 

       While returning from Byteland, Stella got one tree with N nodes from her friend over there. All nodes in this tree are colorless and Stella decided to fill colors to make it colorful. Stella wants it to look beautiful and decided to color it in such a way that any 2 nodes u and v with the shortest distance between u and v <=2 can not be of the same color. She is wondering how many different colors she needs if she fills optimally.

  •  Input Format:

         The first line contains a single integer n ( 3 <=n<100) – the number of nodes in the tree. Each of the next(n-1) lines contains two integers x and y(1<=x, y<=n) – the indices of two nodes directly connected by an edge. It is guaranteed that any node is reachable from any other using the edges.

  • Output Format:

          In the first line print single integer k – the minimum number of colors Stell has to use.

Sample Input 1:
          2 3
          1 3
Sample Output 1:
 Explanation Output 1:
           Tree is like
           1 -> 3 ->2
We can color as follows
         1: Color a
         3: Color b
         2 : Color c
         Total 3 colors
Sample Input 2:
          2 1
          3 2
          4 3
          5 4
Sample Output 2
Explanation Output2: 
          Tree is like:
          1 -> 2 ->3 -> 4 -> 5
         We can color as follows
         1: Color a
         2: Color b
         3 : Color c
         4: Color a
         5 : Color b
         Total 3 colors.



Class Test {
 /* Read input from stdin and provide input before running*/
  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
  String line = br.readLine();
for (int i =0 ; i< N; i++){
   System.out.println(“Hello Word”);