Oracle Interview Experience

Round 01: Online assessment test 1hr 47min. There is a timer for each subsection. This test has 4 sections, each section has sub-sections.

Software Engineering Aptitude: 39 Questions and the given time was 47min.

  • Math reasoning
  • Data analysis and critical thinking
  • Persistence
  • Programming and ability
  • Logical ability

Coding Skills: 16 Questions and the given time was 25min.

  • More on trees and tree traversals, language-specific.

Computer Science Knowledge: 17 Questions and the given time was 15min.

  • OS concepts and data structures
  • Big o notation and OOAD fundamentals
  • DBMS and CODD fundamentals

Contextual Communication: 20 Questions and the given time was 20min.

  • Grammatical usage
  • Written expression
  • Learnability
  • Reading Comprehension

Round 02: Technical Interview around 40min for me it was from 2:00 PM – 2:40 PM.

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Detect Loop in a LinkedList [have to write the code]
  • Reverse Words in a string [have to write the code]
  • What is inheritance?
  • What is polymorphism?
  • What is Paging?
  • Semaphore and mutex.
  • What is starvation in CPU scheduling algorithms?

At the end interviewer asked do you have any questions – I asked a few questions.

Round 03: Technical + HR around 1hour for me it was from 4:45 PM – 5:45 PM.

  • There are two friends, each having their own favourite restaurants, we need to find the restaurants that are common and with the least index sum [print all if multiple answers exist].

E.g: Have to write the code for the actual logic.

L1 = [“R1” , “R2” ,”R3” ,”R4”];
L2 = [“R3” , “R5” , “R7”];
Ans = [“R3”]; // Problem is similar to this.
  • Add two numbers which are given as linked lists.

E.g: Have to write the code for the actual logic.

L1 = 6->4->8 (num = 648)
L2 = 8->4->9->8 (num = 8498)
Ans = 9->1->2->6 (num = 9126)
  • Puzzle: You are given 20 bags each with pills of weight 1gr, except one bag which has pills of weight 1.1gr, what is the least number of times you have to weigh to find the faulty bag?[explain the logic]
  • What are virtual functions?
  • What is meant by caching? And types of caching?
  • Why are you interested in Oracle?

Round 04: Technical + HR around 50min for me it was from 5:50 PM – 6:40 PM.

  • Given a string and asked to print it in the given format S = “It is sunny outside”


I i s o
t s u u
    n t
    n s
    y i
  • Given a situation where there are students and interviewers, and asked to design the database in such a way that we need to assign the student to the interviewer and maintain the result table and feedback on each student after every round and how many students are moved to the next round[similar to zoom app.]
  • Would you like to go for higher studies?
  • Which role are you interested in?
  • What a person, who is not a friend of you, tells about you?
  • What a person, who is a friend of you, tells about you?

At the end interviewer asked do you have any questions

Round 05: HR around 10 to 20 min for me it was from 6:45 PM – 7:05 PM.

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Do you like your college?
  • Asked about my projects
  • Which programming language are you comfortable with
  • Work location preference