Oracle Interview Experience Application Developer FTP

This article details my experience interviewing for an Application Developer role at Oracle (Batch 2020). Date – 23th August, 2023

The Process:

Online Assessment (OA): The OA consisted of 22 questions:

  • 1 coding challenge
  • 1 REST API question
  • 20 MCQs (including reading comprehension, English, and basic math)
  • Technical Interviews: There were two technical rounds and 1 HR round.

1st Round:

The interview began well with introductions. However, mentioning a gap year after high school and then transitioning to IT from a Civil Engineering background sparked a 5-minute discussion that left me feeling nervous and less confident.

Then the interviewer assessed my knowledge of company details (financial performance, CEO name, Co-founder name, name of some Oracle products).

Then Technical questions covered computer networks (data transmission, network buses, and how data will transmit from one end to another end of a network system they had made on paper), OOP principles (pillars, polymorphism).

Outcome: Unfortunately, I wasn’t selected to proceed to the second technical round.

Tips for Future Applicants:

  1. Be honest, but strategic: While honesty is important, it’s better to avoid mentioning skills you haven’t mastered on your resume.
  2. Frame your gap year positively: Instead of simply stating a gap, explain how you used that time productively (e.g., preparing for entrance exams).
  3. Research the company: Be prepared to answer basic questions about Oracle’s financials, leadership, and products.
  4. Brush up on technical skills: Ensure you’re comfortable with the core technical areas mentioned in the job description and your resume.
  5. Practice common interview questions: Prepare for common behavioral and technical questions to build confidence.
  6. Stay calm and confident: Nerves are common, but project confidence in your abilities and approach.

Remember: Every interview is a learning experience. Take this as an opportunity to improve your interview skills and approach for future applications.
