Oracle Interview Experience for Application Programmer

According, to me Oracle is tough company to get in, but if you have got the right skills it’s easy for you.

First round:

1 DSA question (level=medium) “Given a string input str of length n, choose any character that occurs at least twice and delete any one occurrence, Repeat this until all remaining character distinct. Return the lexicographically maximum string that can be formed this way.

1 API question(level=medium)
7-10 comprehensive based and basic grammar
5 aptitude questions (medium=easy-medium)

After clearing the first round, shortlisted students are called for interview and the interviews are very hectic . There may be 3-4 interviews and all of them will be Technical. Last round can also consist of some HR questions.

After every round candidates are shortlisted for next round.

Round-1 >> 2 Medium level DSA questions were asked one of them was “Find maximum subarray length which first increases and then decreases”, another question was “Count number of leaf nodes without using recursion”. I was also asked about Quick sort and Merge sirt algorithm.

Round-2 >> 1 Hard level DSA question was asked which was of dynamic programming and one puzzle was asked (you can refer to GFG puzzles) .

Round-3 >> 3 puzzles were asked all were from GFG articles and some behavourial questions were asked .

Hope, this article would be useful for you.