Oracle Interview Experience for internship

The entire interview process was conducted in offline mode and divided into five rounds:

Online Assessment:

This round consisted of two coding questions and multiple-choice questions covering aptitude and core Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) concepts.

Technical Round 1:

The interviewer began by asking me to introduce myself and inquired about my preferred programming language, to which I responded with Java. Subsequently, the following questions were posed:

  • Explain the difference between JVM and JDK.
  • Describe how JVM executes a Java class file.
  • Illustrate the implementation of Encapsulation on paper.
  • Define abstraction.
  • Demonstrate the implementation of Inheritance with the student class inheriting the university class.
  • Predict the output:
    String s = “abc” + 123;
  • Determine the length of the string s = “‘abc :123’ ‘” .
  • Puzzle: Three friends went to a restaurant and each contributed 25 rupees. The bill came out to be 70 rupees, so the waiter returned 5 rupees to them. Each of them took one rupee. Now, there is 2 rupees left. How did it happen that they contributed an equal amount of money but did not receive an equal amount in return?
  • Do you have any questions?

Technical Round 2:

It initiated with an introduction and discussed my third-year Machine Learning projects. The interviewer asked for an explanation of my project, delving into the model used and the specific library functions employed. Then, the following coding questions were presented:

  • Given a palindromic string with just one character changed, determine the index of that character. (Easy)
  • Extend the previous question to return both the character and its index in a pair if just one character is changed; otherwise, return an empty pair and print the message ‘Not Palindromic’. (Easy)
  • Form a Palindrome (GFG Medium)

The interviewer asked me to perform a dry run for all three codes using specific test cases that he provided. Afterward, we discussed some corner cases where the code failed, and he asked me to address those corner cases in the code. This round concluded with the final question, ‘Do you have any questions?’

Technical Round 3:

The interviewer began with a brief introduction and inquired about my internship experience at Amazon, particularly focusing on the project I worked on. The project involved distributed cache, which led to the following real-world problem:

  • Imagine a scenario in airtel where a distributed cache sits between the client and the database. The cache is refreshed after a set period. If a client is in the middle of a conversation and runs out of talk time, the database is updated, but the client can continue to communicate. How it happened here and how can we address this issue?
  • Building on the previous question, consider the situation where the client receives a recharge during an ongoing communication. Discuss potential problems that could occur and their solutions.
  • List some cloud-based applications.
  • Explain the differences between deploying codebase over the cloud (Scenario 1); and installing it on a device (Scenario 2) in terms of application behavior and network protocols.
  • Concluded with a discussion of computer network protocols.

All three technical rounds went perfect and I got selected for HR round.

HR Round:

This round commenced with a concise introduction, emphasizing my technical skills and projects. Questions about hobbies and future higher study plans were posed. This round was brief.

Outcome: I successfully received an offer!

My Suggestions:

  • Avoid attempting to create stories if you don’t know the answer. Instead, you could simply say I’m unable to recall and express your desire to learn it.
  • Discuss the question with the interviewer to make it completely clear.
  • Take an adequate amount of pause before answering.
  • Communication skills matter! Speak at your own pace.
  • Prepare well and be confident.