Oracle Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus)

Online Test: The first round was the online test. It consisted of about 150 multiple choice questions based on different areas like mathematical reasoning, logical reasoning, English, CS fundamentals, programming output questions, etc. The time constraint was hard. You don’t need to attend all the questions in one go. The questions were divided into parts and subparts. You have to attend the subparts in one go which consisted of 5-10 minutes. The online test was conducted on the Oracle Platform only.  The programming output questions were mostly on binary search trees and AVL trees. The questions were more than one page in length and the average time for each question was 1 minute. 

Tip: Make sure you know the concepts beforehand so that you don’t need to read the entire question as the first 3/4th part was on the implementation of binary search trees and AVL trees.

Technical Round 1:In this round first, I was asked to give my introduction. Then the interviewer gave me one problem. The problem statement is: Sort the given frequencies in ascending order and display them on the output. The inputs are like 1khz, 10hz, 5Mhz. etc. After I had done with the code, the interviewer asked for further optimizing the code. After thinking for some time, I asked for a hint, which he gave so that I could complete it. Then he asked about my project. I described to him my project and what I am planning to improve the project in near future.

Tip: Never hesitate to ask for help, if you are stuck at a point.

Tech + HR Round:  First, I was asked to give a brief introduction about myself and my project. Then he gave me one coding question: Count the number of words in the given string. Later added more and more constraints like multiple spaces between words, no, or multiple spaces after the full stop (.). Then I was asked about CS fundamentals mostly based on DBMS and OOPs. Here are some

  • What is pure virtual function?
  • What is the friend function and implement.
  • What is DML and name some DML commands?
  • What are the access specifiers?

After two days the result was out. 

Verdict: Selected