Oracle Interview Experience for Server Technology (On-Campus)

Round 1(Online Test): It was an online MCQ test.  

  • The test comprised of questions from DSA, DBMS, OS, logical reasoning, Flow chart analysis, etc. 
  • There was no negative marking but the time limits were very strict and also there was no going back and forth in between questions. 
  • So keep an eye on the timer and solve as many as you can but try to attempt all the questions.
  • After this round around 40 students were shortlisted for the interviews.

Round 2(Technical Round – 1): The interviewer was very friendly. He asked me whether I was feeling good. 

  • He asked me to introduce myself. 
  • Then he asked me to explain the project that I mentioned on my resume.  
  • He asked me some questions that were related to my project.  
  • When I was asked about my favorite subject, I told him DSA. So he told me to solve a question. The question was to find the factorial tree of a given number( I was able to solve that question and then there was some discussion on time complexities.  
  • Then he asked me if I had any questions. I asked 2 – 3 questions regarding the company culture, etc.

Round 3 (Technical Round – 2): The interviewer asked to solve a coding question.  

  • I was given a string and I need to partition the string in such a way that no character should be present in more than one partition( At first I felt it was difficult to solve. After some brainstorming, I told my intuition and the interviewer looked convinced and then I was asked to code the same. 
  • After this, she asked me some questions about my project. 
  • Then she asked what is object-oriented programming. 
  • She then asked me to give a real-life example of polymorphism. 
  • Finally, this round ended with a question on DBMS(Is it always necessary to have a primary key in any relation? What happens if we don’t explicitly declare a primary key while creating the table schema).

Round 4(Technical Round – 3): The interviewer started with a maths puzzle. Find the four-digit number when multiplied by 9 gives its reverse and also no two digits are same( 

  • Next question was to find whether two strings are rotations of each other( 
  • Then I was asked to tell the approach to search a word in a 2d array of characters. I first told him dfs approach and then told him that trie data structure should be used. The interviewer seemed convinced. 
  • He asked me if I had any questions. I asked 2 – 3 questions and then it ended.

Verdict – Selected (A total of 10 students were selected out of 39).


  • Be prepared before your interview. 
  • Stay positive and confident. 
  • Try to interact with the interviewer, try to make the conversation flowing.

Finally, I would like to thank w3wiki for the invaluable support to all the students through these wonderful questions and previous experiences. 

Thank you w3wiki.