ORACLE Interview Experience for Technical Analyst (On-Campus)

Oracle came to our college for on-campus hiring for batch 2023. They came for Technical Analyst (Support ACS) role in which they are providing both INTERN+FTE for this role.

I thought there will be many interview rounds but I was shocked after the preplacement talk. In the preplacement talk, they informed us that there will be only 1 final round of interviews. But that single round of interviews is not simple, it’s like combining 4 different rounds of interviews in a single interview. We will be interviewed by  4 interviewers who will be testing us with each and every skill we have and also asking various subject questions. Only shortlisted students can attend the preplacement talk.  

Total Process: Virtual Online mode: Platform: Hackerrank
Round 1: Duration: 2 hr. Difficulty: Hard. There are 4 sections in which there are 2 coding questions, 1 REST API, 1 DBMS(SQL query), and 5 MCQs (OS, DSA, Pseudocode, DBMS, APTI) total of 9 questions.

  • Coding -There were 2 questions, one was medium and another was very hard(Connecting to database REST API ) for my friend one of the questions was like node js database connecting questions was very hard questions. I  have solved 1 medium-rated question. 
  • MCQ Questions- There were 7 questions that cover various concepts like
    •  DSA and DB
    • Math logical
    • Hashing
  • Networks
  • Finding time complexity for the given code
  • General aptitude: Each question carries a 6 or 4 mark and also questions were not direct and easy it was medium to hard-rated questions. 
  • SQL QUERY: A very very hard query was given. I was not able to solve this. Mostly join related questions can be asked and also questions will be more complex. This is the company where the first round is hard in coding and SQL query section as compared to all companies during placements.

To get qualified for the next round at least solve 1 coding question, SQL query, and some MCQs. 

ROUND 2: DURATION: 1:30 MIN. DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM-HARD. There were a total of 4 interviewers in one single panel, the 1st one will be asking about coding dsa concepts, 2nd one will be projected technical stuff and some database concepts and some database theory, 3rd one will be asking about database queries, and the 4th one will be asking situational-based questions like he will be the HR so 
some general questions will be asked him.

Technical Interview: The interview starts with their introduction, 4 interviewers introduced themselves and they asked me to introduce myself. After my introduction, they were seeing my resume, and then 2 interviewers started asking about my project, very deep questions about my project algorithm, etc.
I explained as much as I can but the interviewer is not satisfied with my explanation of the project. He asked me about which is my favorite subject. I said networks. Then  interviewer gave one coding question which is a very simple question:

  • Reverse the given string and then after explaining my code and approach. He gave the input string with some little modifications which are of the string containing some special characters also he told me to reverse the string excluding special characters and I coded using ASCII and then I explained my ASCII approach to the question, and he was satisfied with my answers. For me, the interviewer was not concentrating more on the coding part but for my friend, the interviewer was asking him to write code for Manhattan distance in the hackerrank platform and then palindrome code and then find the subsequence in the palindrome, so we can’t say anything, the interviewer can ask anything. So be prepared for everything. 
  • He started by asking about OOPS concepts as I have mentioned in my area of interest, he asked me to write code for method overloading and method overriding and asked me to explain that, he asked me about inheritance and some 
    general oops questions and also he asked me about the join-based question by assuming 2 tables scenarios he asked me what can we do. I answered with joins concepts, he was satisfied, and also he asked me for more view-based questions and also queries using view.
  • 2nd  interviewer started asking questions which are fully based on the database theory concepts like the difference between SQL and PL/SQL, primary key, the foreign key, Aggregate functions, what is the use of aggregate functions,
    the difference between primary and unique key, can we use where and having 
    in the same query? difference between where and having clauses, some PL/SQL questions, triggers, types of triggers, cursor, why cursor is used?
  • 3rd interviewer started asking some java based questions like how java is like a platform-independent language explain?, what is Exception, the difference between an exception and an error, how can you resolve it, and what user defines an exception.
    ?, Have u used any user-defined exceptions? What is the difference between python and java, compile time and run time, and the difference between the web server and DB server?
  • Questions arise from networks because I said my favorite subject is networks. Some questions were what is the Port number and what is its use of it, the difference between TCP and UDP, what is a Digital certificate, some 
    encryption process, who will be giving the digital certificate, and also who is responsible for that, I explained symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography, and he asked me about the public and private keys who will be providing that key why that is required, who encrypts and decrypts the message, what is a socket.
  • Again some database questions in java, how can you connect java and the database I answered his JDBC, and then he asked me to write the code but I said I can’t recollect it because I am not sure about the database code. He asked me do u know HTML, CSS, and JS.
  • Then they were discussing with themselves, and everyone was satisfied with their questions and my answers, after that some general questions like what is your passion other than studying also I told them my gardening hobbies, then 
    he asked me about industrial training and its duration that I have mentioned in my resume, then he asked me what did u learn from that. Then he asked me about the certification I mentioned in my CV, then he asked me whether u have participated in a hackathon, and other than  studies he asked some general questions. For me All the interviewer were very Friendly and gave some time to think and answer.
  • At last, they asked me Do u have any questions for us and I asked them 2 questions about their company. The interviewer will not just blindly listen to your answers even though it is correct he will be asking you like are u sure? about this, like he will be testing how strong you are and your accuracy in the answers concepts everything. So while answering be confident and very sure about it.


  • Self-introduction
  • Depth Questioning in Projects and Areas of Interest
  • SQL Queries
  • More knowledge about Database 
  • Good at Java programming and connecting SQL.
  • Go through each and every line that u mention in your resume.
  • Explain projects which you are sure about and confident in answering through.
  • If you really don’t know the answer just simply don’t say I Don’t 
  • Know it creates a bad impression about u, so tell them I am not sure and tell your answer with their permission opinion.
  • Be strong in OOPS, DBMS, DSA, NETWORKS, CODING, OS and 
  • Some puzzles to cracking any interviews.


Totally 8 students were selected from my college.

  • If you got rejected don’t worry about it because I got rejected in many companies and the thing which I did is get strong in all the areas also I took notes like what are all the mistakes that I make in interviews that make me get rejected. I learnt from my Mistakes. 
  • There are plenty of Fishes in the Sea, So catch another Fish.
  • Consistency and HARD WORK is the Key to Success.