Oracle Interview | Set 5 (For Server Technologies)

1st there was a online assessment. Oracle finance and oracle server, both had almost the same paper..4 sections..
1) eng
2) apti
3) basic technical
4) advanced technical

It was pool campusing, so we were called to some other college.

There were 4 rounds:

1) Technical round (20 mins) – Reversing a linked list , level order traversal of tree, a simple puzzle was asked.

2) Technical Round (45 mins) – here a lot of question were asked.. Threading, paging (OS)
queries, join, indexing (DBMS)
B+ tree, loop in a linked list (DS)
String reversal using recursion
Other questions I don’t remember yo be honest..

3) Managerial round (20 mins) – Asked about Object oriented programming, Networking(all basic definitions).
Then there was an informal discussion about the company, its products, etc.

4) HR round (50 mins) – it was a stress round. HR will cover every point in ur CV and grill you. Just be confident and keep smiling.

P.S. – if you don’t know something, just say sorry sir..I don’t know this topic..they will move on..
N if you get stuck while answering tat question..they will keep asking u questions on that topic..

Thanks a ton to w3wiki. Without them, it would not have been possible for me to crack this one.

Many many congratulations to the author.

All Practice Problems for Oracle !