Order and Ranking Questions & Answers

The questions of Order and Ranking chapters are considered as important questions in the Logical Reasoning section of various Bank PO, Clerk, SSC, and Railways exams. In this article, we will discuss and solve the basic Order and Ranking questions; and for Advanced-level Order and Ranking Questions and Answer visit our Advanced Level Order and Ranking Chapter.

Order and Ranking Sample Questions


Q.1: In a row of certain persons, Pradip is sitting 463 from the left end and 531 from the right end. Find out the total number of persons in that row?  

1) 963

2) 942

3) 993

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of the above

Ans: 3


Short cut formula: 

The total number of persons is = Position of Pradip from the right ends + Position of Pradip from the left ends – 1

= 463 + 531 – 1 = 993

Hence, the total number of persons is 993.

Q.2. In a row all the persons are facing north, Rahul is 33rd from the left end and in the right side of Rahul, there are only 16 persons. Find out total number of person in this queue?  

1) 49

2) 50

3) 51

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of these

Ans: 1


Short cut formula: The total number of person is = Position of Rahul from the one of the ends + Number of person are there in the opposite direction of Rahul = 33 + 16 = 49

Hence, the total number of person is 49.

Q.3. In a row of 60 persons, Ganesh is 26th from left end. Find out his position from the right end.

1) 35

2) 36

3) 34

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of the above

Ans: 1


Short cut formula: The total number of person =  Position of Ganesh from the right ends + Position of Ganesh from the left ends – 1

Now, Position of Ganesh from the right ends = The total number of person – Position of Ganesh from the left ends + 1

= 60 – 26 + 1 = 35.

Hence, Ganesh is 35th from the right ends.

Q.4. In a row, Yash is 15th from left end while Rima is 56th from right end and 16th to the right of Monu. Find out total number of persons of this queue?  

1) 65  

2) 83

3) 94

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of these

Ans: 4


To find out the total member of a row we have to know the position of a person from the left end and the position of a person from the right end and there must be a relation among that two persons.

Here, the position of Yash and Rima are given but there is no relation among them.

Hence, the given data is not sufficient to answer this question.

Q.5. Siya is 18th from left end and 12th to the right of Rinku who is 38th from the right end. If all of them are facing north, Find out total number of persons in the row?  

1) 44  

2) 43

3) 45

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of these

Ans: 2


Rinku is 38th from the right end, it means there are 37 person to the right side of Rinku.

Siya is 18th from left end and 12th to the right of Rinku. It means there are 17 persons to the left side of Siya and there are 11 persons between Rinku and Siya in that row.

Therefore, the number of person = 38 + 6 -1 = 43

Q.6: In a group of 105 students, Ravi’s rank is 36th from the top and Sarika’s rank is 41th from the bottom. How many students are there in between Ravi and Sarika (if no two persons got the same rank)?

1) 28

2) 39

3) Can’t be determined

4) None of these

5) 48

Ans: 1  


Here, the number of students is greater than the sum of the ranks of Ravi and Sarika.

Hence, the number of students in between Ravi and Sarika = 105 – (sum of the ranks of Ravi and Sarika)

= 105 – (36 + 41) = 28

Q7. In a batch of 100 students Kavya’s rank is 50th from the top and Lucky’s rank is 68th from the bottom. How many students are there in between Kavya and Lucky (if no two persons got the same rank)?

1) Less than 10

2) 16

3) Can’t be determined

4) 13

5) 14

Ans: 2  


Here, the number of students is less than the sum of the ranks of Kavya and Lucky.

Hence, the number of students in between Kavya and Lucky is  

= (Sum of the ranks of Kavya and Lucky) – Total number of students – 2

= (50 + 68) – 100 – 2 = 16

Q.8: In a single row, there are some girls and all of them are facing north. Diksha rank is 19th from the left ends and Trisha rank is 17th from the right end. If 5 students are sitting in between them. Find the number of students in the class.

1) 31

2) 49

3) 50

4) 72

5) Can’t be determined

Ans: 5


Here, the number of persons between Diksha and Trisha < The lowest positioned person (In this case, the position of Trisha was lowest i.e., 17th) – 1

Hence, two possibility will be there.

Q.9: In a single row, there are some boys and all of them are facing north. Gaurav rank is 29th from the left ends and Tarun rank is 27th from the right end. If 26 students are sitting in between them. Find the number of students in the class.

1) 21                                                                                                                                                                    

2) 9

3) 10

4) 82

5) Can’t be determined

Ans: 4


Here, the number of persons between Gaurav and Tarun < The lowest positioned person (In this case, the position of Tarun was lowest i.e. 27th) – 1

Hence, Gaurav must be to the left side of Tarun.

Therefore, the number of person is = 29 + 27 + 26 = 82

Q.10: In a class, Vijay’s rank is 34th from the left and Ajay’s rank is 37th from the right. If Only Diwakar sits exactly in between them. What could be the minimum number of students in the class?

1) 59

2) 37

3) 68

4) Can’t be determined

5) None of these

Ans: 3


To count the minimum number of students we have to consider this as the Case of Overlapping.

Thus, the minimum number of students in the class is = Rank of Vijay + Rank of Ajay – 3  

              = 34 + 37 – 3 = 68

Q11. There are five persons named Firoz, Quasif, Riyaz, Salman and Taukir. Quasif is taller than Salman and Riyaz but smaller than Firoz. Firoz is not the tallest among them. Who is the tallest person among all?  

1) Taukir 

2) Quasif 

3) Salman  

4) Firoz 

5) None of these

Ans: 1


Hence, Taukir is tallest among them.

Q12. Jinni is 7th from the right end and Money is 10th from the left end in a row of girls. If there are 10 girls between Jinni and Money, how many girls are there in that row?

1) 27

2) 32

3) 24

4) 25

5) 31

Ans: 1


The number of girls is = 7 + 10 + 10 = 27

Q13. In a row of boys facing West, K is twelfth from the left end and fourth to the right of L. What is the position of L from the left ends of that row?

1) 8th

2) 9th

3) 7th

4) 4th

5) Can’t be determined

Ans: 1


From the left ends the position of L is = 12th – 4th = 8th  

Q14. In a row of boys there are 50 boys and all of them are facing North, Sahaj is 19th from the left end and fourth to the right of Mahak, what is the position of Mahak from the right ends of that row?

1) 28th

2) 36th

3) 37th

4) 25th

5) Can’t be determined

Ans: 2


From the left ends the position of Mahak is = 19th – 4th = 15th

Hence, the position of Mahak from the right end is = Number of Boys – position of Mahak from the left ends + 1

= 50 – 15 + 1 = 36th  

Q15. In a row of Children facing north, K is 15th to the left of H, who is 22nd from the right end. If P is 14th from the left end and 6th to the right of K, how many children are there in that row?

1) 41    

2) 38    

3) 42  

4) 44    

5) None of the above

Ans: 4


Here, P is 14th from the left end and 6th to the right of K. Hence, K is 8th from the left side.  

Again, K is 15th to the left of H, who is 22nd from the right end.

Hence, K is 37th from the right side.  

Therefore, the total number of Children is =  

= K’s position from the right ends + K’s position from the left ends – 1

= 37 + 8 – 1 = 45 – 1 = 44

Q16. In a row, all are facing north, K is 28th to the left of H, who is 19th from the right end. If P is 6th from the left end then, how many people are there in that row?

1) 44    

2) 48    

3) 42  

4) 46    

5) Can’t say

Ans: 5


The given data is not sufficient to answer this question.

Directions (17-18): Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below.  

Devesh, Gautam, Aditya, Byom, Chandan, Harish, Fahad, and Emi are eight persons, having a different height. Devesh is shorter than Aditya, but taller than Gautam. Emi is taller than Harish but shorter than Chandan. Byom is shorter than Devesh but taller than Fahad. Chandan is shorter than Gautam. Gautam is not as tall as Fahad.  

Q17. Which of the following is 5th shortest?  

1) Byom    

2) Chandan

3) Fahad    

4) Gautam

5) Harish

Ans: 3


Aditya > Devesh > Byom > Fahad > Gautam > Chandan > Emi > Harish

Q18. Who among the following is shortest among them?  

1) Byom    

2) Chandan

3) Fahad   

4) Emi

5) Harish

Ans: 5


Aditya > Devesh > Byom > Fahad > Gautam > Chandan > Emi > Harish

Directions (19-20): Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below.  

There are six Investors named Kavita, Laxman, Manish, Niraj, Om and Parvati, purchased different number of shares in HUL Company. No two person purchased the same number of shares. According to the number of purchased share, three people among them invested between Om and Kavita where Om invested more than Kavita. Parvati who purchased 37 shares, purchased less than Niraj. Manish purchased 34 shares which is less than Laxman. None of them purchased between the number of shares Manish and Laxman purchased. Om did not purchase maximum share among them.

Q19. Who purchased the maximum number of shares?

1) Manish

2) Kavita

3) Parvati

4)  Niraj

5) Can’t be determined

Ans: 4


Niraj > Om > Parvati (37) > Laxman > Manish (34) > Kavita

Hence, Niraj invested highest among them.  

Q20. Who among the following person has purchased third highest number of shares?

1) Niraj  

2) Parvati

3) Manish  

4) Om

5) None of these

Ans: 2


Niraj > Om > Parvati (37) > Laxman > Manish (34) > Kavita

Hence, Parvati purchased third highest no of shares among them.