Orjson Library in Python

Orjson is a third-party Python library that provides a fast and efficient implementation of JSON encoding and decoding. It is written in C and is optimized for performance also Orjson is a Python library designed for fast JSON serialization and deserialization. It is built with a focus on performance, making it an excellent choice for applications that require rapid data encoding and decoding.


Installing orjson is a straightforward process using the Python package manager, pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

pip install orjson

With orjson now installed, you can start leveraging its speed and efficiency for JSON operations in your Python projects. you can import orjson into your Python projects using the following statement:

import orjson

Orjson Library in Python

Below are some examples of orjson library in Python:

Example 1: Serializing a Python Dictionary

In this example, below code uses the orjson library to efficiently serialize a Python dictionary (`data_to_serialize`) into JSON format. The resulting JSON data is then printed, showcasing `orjson`’s streamlined approach to high-performance JSON serialization in just a few lines of code.

import orjson

data_to_serialize = {"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}

# Serialize the Python dictionary to JSON
json_data = orjson.dumps(data_to_serialize)



b'{"name":"John","age":30,"city":"New York"}'

Example 2: Deserializing JSON to Python Object

In this example, below code demonstrates the use of `orjson` to deserialize JSON data (`json_data`) into a Python dictionary (`python_object`). The resulting Python object is then printed, showcasing `orjson`’s efficiency in converting JSON to native Python data structures.

import orjson

json_data = b'{"name":"Jane","age":25,"city":"Los Angeles"}'

# Deserialize JSON to Python dictionary
python_object = orjson.loads(json_data)



{'name': 'Jane', 'age': 25, 'city': 'Los Angeles'}

Example 3: Handling Complex Data Structures

In this code example, in below code the `orjson` library is utilized to efficiently serialize a complex Python data structure (`complex_data`)—a nested dictionary with user information and a list of posts—into a JSON-formatted string (`json_data`). The resulting JSON representation of the data is then printed.

import orjson

complex_data = {
    "user": {"id": 123, "username": "example_user"},
    "posts": [{"id": 1, "content": "Hello, world!"}, {"id": 2, "content": "Orjson is awesome!"}]

# Serialize the complex data structure to JSON
json_data = orjson.dumps(complex_data)



"posts":[{"id":1,"content":"Hello, world!"},
{"id":2,"content":"Orjson is awesome!"}]}'

Advantages of orjson library

  • Exceptional Performance:
    • Implemented in C for high-speed JSON serialization and deserialization.
    • Ideal for applications handling large volumes of JSON data.
  • Low Overhead and Memory Usage:
    • Lightweight design minimizes overhead.
    • Efficient memory usage, suitable for resource-constrained environments.
  • Compatibility with Standard Library:
    • Integrates seamlessly with the Python standard library’s json module.
    • Easy transition without major code modifications.
  • Support for Custom Data Types:
    • Allows serialization customization for complex data structures.
    • Provides flexibility to handle custom data types during serialization.


In conclusion, JSON serialization, performance matters, and orjson stands out as a high-speed solution for Python developers. By optimizing the serialization and deserialization process, orjson offers a substantial boost in efficiency, making it a valuable tool for projects where speed is crucial. Consider integrating orjson into your Python applications to experience the benefits of accelerated JSON operations