Output of C++ Program | Set 10

Predict the output of following C++ programs.
Question 1


using namespace std;
class String
    char *p;
    int len;
    String(const char *a);
String::String(const char *a)
    int length = strlen(a);
    p = new char[length +1];
    strcpy(p, a);
    cout << "Constructor Called " << endl;
int main()
    String s1("Beginner");
    const char *name = "forBeginner";
    s1 = name;
    return 0;


Constructor called
Constructor called

The first line of output is printed by statement “String s1(“Beginner”);” and the second line is printed by statement “s1 = name;”. The reason for the second call is, a single parameter constructor also works as a conversion operator (See this and this for details). 
Question 2 


using namespace std;
class A
    virtual void fun() {cout << "A" << endl ;}
class B: public A
    virtual void fun() {cout << "B" << endl;}
class C: public B
    virtual void fun() {cout << "C" << endl;}
int main()
    A *a = new C;
    A *b = new B;
    return 0;



A base class pointer can point to objects of children classes. A base class pointer can also point to objects of grandchildren classes. Therefore, the line “A *a = new C;” is valid. The line “a->fun();” prints “C” because the object pointed is of class C and fun() is declared virtual in both A and B (See this for details). The second line of output is printed by statement “b->fun();”.
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